with The Mary Magdalene Light

Experiences with Harriët Kroon

‘Each session is like a precious gift. Truly life changing’

‘My consultations with Harriët have been truly life changing so far and my heart could not be more grateful to her. Each meeting is like a precious gift, where she holds up the clearest mirror, revealing what is happening in my energy system and what is obscuring the light. Her presence is very holding, accepting and loving and it is clear to see she really walks her talk.

Our work together so far, including a light program and several beautiful light essences, has taken me on the most unexpected, beautiful and alchemical journey. I am feeling so much better already in 5 months and I’m so excited to see where this journey goes. My heartfelt thanks to you, Harriët.’

Mairead, United Kingdom

‘Harriët is dedicated and compassionate’

‘Harriët is a fantastic spiritual teacher. I always feel comfortable with her. She listens very well and always helps you progress. She is dedicated and compassionate.

“When your heart is ready, you look for a Light Carrier.” That is how I found Harriët on my path 2.5 years ago, and I have been guided by her ever since. During that time, I have become more and more empowered, my grounding has been fully restored, I have become more mentally resilient; I can stand up for myself well. I am very grateful to her and the Light!’

Kiki, The Netherlands

‘Thank you for your courage’

‘Thank you for having the courage and commitment and love to bring The Mary Magdalene Light through for us all. I for one, am very grateful.’

Janice, United Kingdom

Experiences with Hara Line Healing

‘So much has changed, I can’t thank you enough’

‘I loved the hara line healing last night. So interesting as within the first few seconds I felt all the energy in the left side of my face – where I have had 7 operations. Then I saw myself, etheric body sit up & my hara line straightened.’

Two and a half weeks later:
‘Since then I check in every day & so much has changed so I can’t thank you enough.’

Trish, Zimbabwe

‘I felt my body was being balanced and aligned’

‘I took part in Harriët’s Hara Line Healing on Sunday 27/10/2024. It was the first time I had taken part.

It was a 45-minute remote healing and for most of the time I felt waves of warm healing energy moving from one side of my body to the other like a pendulum. I felt my body was being balanced and aligned. There was also pulsing around my head. I have been full of a cold for three weeks and felt the energy breaking it up.

I would thoroughly recommend a healing of Harriët.

Thank you Harriët!!!’

Nicola, United Kingdom

‘Miraculous results’

‘I already have quite a bit of experience with Hara Line Healings, both in giving and receiving, but this time a miraculous deepening has taken place in me that I am quite enthusiastic about, to say the least. I don’t know why this healing of September 30, 2023 by Harriët has touched me so much and is so lasting. I only have to think about Hara (and make a certain movement with the hands as taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing) and I am fully aware of my Hara Line, which then immediately aligns itself: I am grounded and feel connected to my Higher Self. Always with the miraculous result of the experience of peace, tranquillity, silence, joy and gratitude in the relaxed belief that I am completely okay.’

Melle, The Netherlands

‘I feel taller’

‘Since the Hara Line Healing, I feel strangely upright! I feel a bit taller!’

Malcom, United Kingdom

‘Something has been put straight’

‘The Hara Line Healing immediately brought me a lot of grounding, then I fell into a deep sleep and afterwards I felt that I had been worked on. I now feel more inner strength and much closer to myself, more whole. The energy of the healing went right through me, something has been put straight. I feel that I am much better aligned now. The essence vibration is prolonging the healing, I’m curious to see how this unfolds. I am very grateful for this healing opportunity.’

Nicky, The Netherlands

‘I am rejuvenated and see life afresh’

‘During the healing, I felt pain in my legs, chest (like a feeling of expansion), and for a little while, pain in my ears. This did wear off quite quickly after the session was over.

A couple of days on now since the healing, I do have the sense of being rejuvenated and seeing life afresh.’

Robert, United Kingdom

‘As if a long rod had been inserted through my body’

‘My Hara Line healing was very profound indeed. I think I was being guided towards accepting this because I needed it. At times it was quite challenging, and I did feel as if my insides were being “squeezed”. I also felt as if a long rod had been inserted along my body! However, I knew that it must have meant urgent repair work was needed as it was probably quite out of alignment.

So, I am very grateful for Harriët and Divine Mother for offering this service. I felt much more complete afterwards, and a strange sensation of being more “upright”. I can’t wait to try another one, I feel so much fresher now!’

Patrick, United Kingdom

‘I am not so easily distracted anymore’

‘I was grounded enormously. More focus in the days after, and I’m not so easily distracted anymore. Was quite tired after the healing.’

Anna, The Netherlands

‘An alignment that brought energy and focus’

‘I’m so grateful to have received the Hara Line healing. During the hour I had to resist the urge to move and stay still on my back.  With my eyes closed I saw many changing images, like lights coming and going. At one point I felt an intuitive understanding of what karmic contract may be behind a certain troublesome family relationship.

The next day I felt very calm & focused. The day after that I was focused and energized to get things done that I had been procrastinating for months. Some pleasant coincidences took place – like a phone call from a long-lost friend I had been thinking about. 

Once again…many thanks for an alignment that has brought energy and focus.’

Maria, Canada

‘It was like a purification of old patterns’

‘Before you offered the hara-line Healing, I never heard about the Hara-Line. Prana, central channel yes, but not this specific Line with such a big impact. The Healing itself was gentle and intense at the same time. I felt it especially in the area between my Base and Sacral Chakra and also in my heart. It was like a purification of old patterns and stuff I didn’t need anymore. The days after, I felt clearer inside as an inner knowing what is the next step and where do I have to go. I also recognized which things I did without being in alignment with myself, and I was able to let go of these things. Thank you for this magical experience receiving a hara-line Healing.’

Verena, Portugal

‘My rescue dog felt it too’

Dear Harriët, I’ve had a rescue dog, Ella, for 5 weeks now who always joins me on my bed. She’s very wound up and traumatised. I remember that almost immediately the Hara Line Healing commenced there was a warmth on my left side filling my heart and my head. I found it amazing, and as it travelled through my body, I thought wow,” and that was all I knew till 1.5 hours later! There wasn’t even a murmur of disturbance from Ella which in itself is a miracle. I remember feeling quite different spacey, peaceful, blissfulfor all that we had received such a wonderful gift. So, sending grace, gratitude and blessed appreciation from both of us.

Anonymous, United Kingdom

‘More clarity with decisions I had to make’

Unusual for me, I actually felt physical signs. In the half hour before the healing, I actually began to feel incredibly hot. During the session I did without doubt feel the very light touch of healing hands … all around my Sacral Chakra … I then slept deeply for a few hours. The Hara Line Alignment was very timely for me as the physical and emotional upheaval I was enduring at the time was considerable. Afterwards I definitely felt calmer and had more clarity with decisions I had to make. Thank you so much.

Your Healing over the past decade given in deep humility and pure love has been exceptional and gratefully received.’

Eluna, England

Experiences with
The Mary Magdalene Light Transmission

‘No wobbling in my yoga poses!’
‘It was the first time I received The Mary Magdalene Light. I felt the light go straight into my heart, where it felt like a hum. It gave me a loving push to continue to working on myself, which in turn will help me be a loving presence to others (without getting caught in their dramas and issues). I could feel I was being held by something greater than me, which made the day effortless. This allowed me to let go of being busy and go with the flow. I felt an immense sense of calm, grounding and contentment all day. 

I thought it was interesting that when I carried out balance poses in my yoga practice, there was no wobbling (which there is usually lots of) and I could hold the balances for longer without the support of the wall.’

Phillipa, England

‘This was the most beautiful day of my life’

‘Thank you SO MUCH for the wonderful Light Transmission. It was absolutely amazing. I can honestly say that this was the most beautiful day of my life. And then followed the most marvellous week of my life! So much joy, beauty, peace, and spiritual progress filled these days.

And above all, there was a sense of being supported, understood, guided – in a calm,  delicate and still powerful way. And of being soothed by a divine love, expressed in a feminine way that was nourishing & tender like… the affection of your best girlfriend from Heaven. What a Blessing! 

Thank you so much for having offered this, Wonderful Harriët.’

Dominique, The Netherlands

‘The Transmission gave me hope and courage’

Thank you very much for the Light Transmission. I had a kind of misery on the day itself and the day before… I was really happy for the Light, it gave me hope and courage that things change :-) ’

Karen, Switzerland

‘The Light carried me through on of the busiest days I can recall’

‘I’d like to express my gratitude for sharing your Light with me. I had one of the busiest days I can recall having. I had seven appointments and they were important ones. I noticed I felt carried, very present. I felt a little tired at the end of it, but it was a good day – I was surprised!

But here’s the really cool thing. I’ve lived in A. for two years now and I have yet to find a radio station that I like the music. So, I get in the car and all of a sudden, I turn the radio on and it is a programmed station with alternative music. It’s got wonderful lyrics; it’s got great energy. I so missed it from when I lived in C.! It felt like, as a result of the Light yesterday, it was as if a part of me that was still in C. has come here. A wonderful process! Thank you so much,’

Aryana, United States

‘Work was done in my Central Channel’

‘The Mary Magdalene Light Transmission was great! I did not perceive any colours this time. An internal connection in my central channel became very present, mainly between my head and heart area. I sure did need some healing work there, as my relationship of years had suddenly ended.

“Working in the central channel” is something I experienced once during a course with a channel for the Masters of the White Light. These Masters also worked in particular in the central channel and the chakras. I don’t know much about it, but that’s how it felt for me during the Mary Magdalene Light Transmission.’

Yvonne, The Netherlands

‘I no longer feel low’

‘I received The Mary Magdalene’s Light Transmission for the first time. Recently my beloved rescue dog who was very special, spreading light, love, joy and comfort wherever he went, lost his life. He was my companion and fur baby for 6 years, 5 years of which I was single and travelled and worked with him always with me. My heart was broken and I have been experiencing a lot of very sad and negative feelings (especially as it was my new partner who accidentally killed him).


I tuned into the light transmission a few times during the 24 hours and felt comforted, a nurturing love and a higher light vibration. It has really helped to shift me to a lighter vibration at a very difficult time. I was waking up feeling glum every day and I no longer feel that low. This has lifted me to a place of remembering my dog with love and gratitude.
Thank you so much for sharing this loving light.’

‘Mary remembered me to have fun’

‘I did the 24hr Light Transmission. In the morning, I was putting flowers on my altar, and I felt Mary’s loving presence, and she was so joyful and full of fun. She then said – “let’s just be girls today, let’s be light of heart, let’s have fun and be free”. Of course, I laughed out loud as her vibration had that effect. She was promoting me remembering not to be so serious, to have fun laughter and just being a girl enjoying being female to, and to embrace it.

I was meeting a friend to go walking and then lunch, which was a last-minute arrangement! We had such fun laughing, talking, and just that togetherness and connecting and connecting with Mother Earth. I was focusing on me and the importance of self-care and setting boundaries for work and play, remembering Self-Love doesn’t just happen; you have to invite it into your life.

I ended my day being more present and aware of self-love. I think for the next Mary Magdalene Light Transmission I will also get the Mary’s Light Essence, get the full package! Thank you, Harriët & Mary, for my gifts.’

Loraine, Scotland

‘A deep connection with myself’

‘I experienced the light and a deep feeling of connection with myself, most of the time yesterday. Thank you very much. It was a great experience.’

‘Mary appeared and gave me an important reminder’

‘Many thanks for the Mary Magdalene Light Transmission. I initially missed it, as I was in the throes of gastroenteritis, but it came through just now as I meditated. Mary appeared immediately, standing over me and looking into my face. She sent a lot of light into what looked to be a light connection between my daughter and I and the earth. Mary Magdalene also reminded me not to let guilt get in the way of the bond with my daughter. It is clear from this Mary Magdalene visit that motherhood is to be my priority at the moment. A reminder I needed.’

‘Love, peace and harmony’

‘The Mary Magdalene Light Transmission was very productive. I felt love, peace and harmony so I recommend it to others.’

‘Healthy and productive for 24 hours’

‘One beautiful day… from midnight to midnight I was surrounded by the loveliest green light and felt healthy and productive… many, many thanks for your part in that x.’

‘A reload’

Dear Harriët, thank you for this lovely transmission. Felt it very strongly. Like a reload with knowing and warmth. Xxx thank you. Xxxfeeling one.’

‘We felt buoyant all day long’

‘Thank you for the light transmission. I truly felt buoyant all day and my daughter appeared to feel the same way.’

Z, Austrailia

‘Even navigating through drunk people wasn’t stressful’

‘It was a great day for me. I sat consciously in the light for many hours in the day and felt very soft and very held, and in the evening I went to a birthday party which was a very sweet kind of party not people really drink etc. and had a lovely time talking with some old friends just feeling very present and relaxed. Even navigating through lots of drunk people on my way home through the underground was a rather chilled experience whereas I often find it stressful and jarring.All in all it was a special day, no huge spiritual or energetic fireworks but peaceful and loving which I’m sure it exactly what I needed. Thank you very much Harriët.’

Tim, England

‘I feel more connected to everything’

‘Over the course of the day, I was aware of a general boost or flow of light in the background. I get the feeling it did a lot of deep work but I don’t know what that was.

Overall guidance seems to flow more easily and I feel more connected to everything, nature etc. When I went to bed that evening, I woke up after twelve and I knew the light had been ‘switched off’ or ended transmission as I could feel it was missing.’

Mary, Ireland

‘Closer to Mary and Jesus’

‘Hello Harriët, sometimes I’m not aware that much is happening, but during this Mary Magdalene Light Transmission I tried to get closer to Mary and also to Jesus, I felt a deeper connection and feel things are becoming clearer, so I am very pleased about that. It has been such a long journey. Thank you for all your giving, where would we be without you.’

Patricia, Scotland

‘Filled up with unconditional love to my very finger tips’

‘The day of the Light Transmission was a very busy one for me and I was attending a class reunion of which I had been looking forward to for some time. This meant that although when I had arisen in the morning, I had welcomed the Light into my day, I was not focused on it consciously as I was meeting my much-loved ex colleagues whom I had not seen for some time. It was not until the evening when I was in a quiet space that I suddenly reflected on my internal self. I felt that I had been filled up with love on the inside to my very finger tips. 


The love that filled me gave me the message that it was complete unconditional love without judgement & there was nothing that I need do to earn this privilege, but it was mine as my God given birthright. I felt held totally in the only way I can describe was like a new born baby – completely safe and warm. I want to say completely forgiven too.


The whole experience has left me wanted to hug the entire world and share these feelings of warmth and comfort. Thank you so much Harriët for bringing The Mary Magdalene Light into the world for us all.’

Jacqueline, United Kingdom

Experiences with
The Mother Goddess Meditations

‘It was a very important realisation to me’

‘The meditation ‘Being good enough’ I did last weekend. It was very interesting because I had very cold feet and lower legs the whole time during the meditation and got so hungry that I had to eat immediately after the meditation and didn’t get enough. I couldn’t satisfy my hunger. I think it simply showed where healing should take place, in the feeling: I’m not getting enough. It was a very important realisation for me. The meditation brought some things to light that had been hidden for a long time.’

Ursina, Colombia

‘I felt a deep release of some past karma and trauma’

‘This Mother Goddess Meditation was one of the deepest meditations I have ever experienced.

It is difficult to do justice to it in words. I felt my womb chakra expanding in the first part of the meditation when you were grounding us into Mother Earth. I sensed the warm, powerful embrace of Mother Earth. Later on, when you brought in The Mary Magdalene Light and we connected to The Mother of All That Is, I was taken to such a vast space of deep stillness, peace and love that it was hard to come back to the now.

I felt a deep release of some past karma and trauma. I could feel the expansion in the hours following and slept deeply throughout the night. In the morning, I awoke feeling replenished and grateful for having participated in the meditation. Thank you so much.’

Norette, Ireland

‘Such a high frequency

‘Thank you – this was very deep and such a high frequency.’


‘At peace with everything’

‘Feeling connected and grounded. At peace with everything.’


‘I am feeling more whole in my body now’

‘I enjoyed it very much and it was a very transformative experience for me.
I felt connected, safe and lovingly held throughout the whole process of the meditation.
In the beginning, the heavy earth energies slowly embraced my whole body.I felt a sensation of aliveness and the need to live in deeper connection with nature and be a part of it.

The moment of silence that you described later as the awakening of the Mother Star Chakra, I experienced as stimulating or stirring energies moving in different directions that I could not discern.

At the end of the attunement, I was in a deeply calm, balanced, peaceful state. I am feeling more whole in my body now and very grateful for this wonderful experience!’

Maria, Germany

Experiences with
Divine Mother Healing

‘Mother Mary stretched her hands out to me’

‘Something new for me during the last Divine Mother healing, was the strong smell of perfume Roses. I also had a very amazing vision of Mother Mary. Dressed in a robe with a veil on her head, surrounded by a glowing light. She was stretching her hands out to me. An incredible session, thank you Harriët.

Malcom, United Kingdom

‘More connected and grounded in my body’

‘I fell asleep about 30-40 minutes after the start at 20pm and woke up at 22:30pm. Next morning I felt fine, however I felt like I may need to slow down a bit and process the energies that were surfacing; I felt quite open and felt a need for better boundaries. I could not specify exactly what was surfacing and I surrendered to the flow paying attention to how I feel and what my body needs. I went for exercise in the evening the next day after the healing, but I felt tired quickly like I could not take more on that day. Now a few days after the healing, when I tune inwards and connect with myself I do feel more connected and grounded in my body. It’s very subtle but it feels good.’

Maria, Germany

‘Feeling more at ease’

‘Yes, the Divine Mother healing was certainly impactful, but I think in a good way. A few minutes into the hour, I started to feel hot. It lasted just over the hour. I felt a distinct tightness in my chest (heart area to start with) this then moved to my stomach, then back to my heart. For a little while, I had a slight pain in my ears. I’ve been feeling fine since, so thank you for a good healing session. I sometimes find it difficult to evaluate how much better I’m feeling, but I would say I feel more at ease after the Divine Mother healing.’

Robert, United Kingdom

‘I now know what deep trust feels like

‘Unfortunately, I did not get home in time and so missed half of the healing. But the half hour I had left was very beautiful and intense. I felt very strongly connected to Mother Earth and felt enveloped in the feeling of trust. I now know what deep trust feels like. Thank you very much.’

Daniela, Germany

Experiences with
Ignite the Magdalene Within You

‘One of the best things I have done for myself’

It is one of the best things that I have done for myself. After releasing unwanted energies during the Program, I feel confident, happy, and in tune with the world, my body, and my choices. The guidance of Harriët during the past months was crucial. I appreciate her words and support enormously. I highly recommend anyone to do this Program, it is one of a kind.

Trini, The Netherlands

‘Absolutely recommendable for all women!!’

‘A deep and transformational journey which changed my life in many ways. It not only brought so much more awareness to the importance of my physical female attributes and unlocked their sacred tasks. It also opened the door for uniting with the Divine Feminine which brought among other things the qualities of balance, grounding and a new presence within myself.

Igniting the Magdalene Within provided me with everything I needed to prepare for, face and feel able to take on my new Life Mission as the Heart of the Divine Plan Healing System.

Thank your dear Harriët for guiding us through this wonderful journey.
Absolutely Recommendable for all Women!!

Alexandra, Germany

‘This journey helped me to break free’

‘The essences played a huge part on my journey. So pure, raising challenging issues, but helping to bridge & integrate during each stage of the process. Each one stretching me to reveal the darkness of old stuck energy & beliefs I still held within, and enabling me to witness the reflection of who I truly am.

I witnessed tears & tantrums, anger & resentment, but also a lot of laughter and joy as the “layers” started to fall away. It helped me embrace & transform the darkness within, breaking free from my “Fear of Life”. The pure Mary Magdalene Light nurtured and held me as I sailed through these strong currents of energy. Guiding me towards calm waters, stillness, restoring me.

Was it an easy task? No, nothing of “True Value” is given lightly.

Did I feel I grew as a result? Absolutely.

Much love and blessings,’

Annette, United Kingdom

‘The warm feeling of love radiating from my core’

‘When I read about the Light Program “Ignite The Magdalene Within You”, I immediately felt: This is what I am going to do! During the Program, a lot happens “unnoticed”. And I found the quality time you take for yourself every day, the focus on the womb area, and experiencing your femininity intensely, to be a powerful experience. And the warm feeling of love that you radiate from your core.

How beautiful it is that this Light Program continues to unfold after those 6 months, for the rest of my life! I did have certain expectations before the start of the Light Program that I haven’t noticed yet. I certainly need to keep on working on myself.’

Kiki, The Netherlands

Experiences with
The Mary Magdalene Magical Months

‘A quantum leap forward in my evolution’

‘The Mary Magdalene Magical Months is a genuinely transformative experience. It is like taking a quantum leap forward in your evolution. As you pass through the months and bring it all together at the Rebirth Weekend, you begin to get a sense of how profound the work you are doing is. Leaving the Rebirth Weekend, I felt like reconnecting with myself in a whole new way, at a much higher level than before. I’m so glad I signed up to make this change in my life and for myself, and I couldn’t recommend it enough.’

Chloe, Austrailia

‘I feel different, lighter and I know my life has changed’

‘Signing up for the Mary Magdalene Magical Months wasn’t an option for me: it was something I knew I was going to do as soon as I saw it.  We had essences to take, Zoom conferences where we were showered with Light, and always I felt an energy that was there supporting and helping me. We started in October and it is now May. I feel different, lighter and I know my life has changed.  This is just the beginning and I am looking forward to whatever is unfolding.

I am eternally grateful to Harriët, who without her, none of this would have been possible.  She is supportive, kind, caring and just pretty awesome.

And Mary Magdalene… the Love and Light she showered on us, and still is, is beyond words. 

It has been an extraordinary journey.

Thank you.’

N.N., England

‘The world needs this’

‘This journey has opened me up to my true potential. In 7 months’ time, I traveled a path that otherwise might have taken me 7 years or 7 lifetimes. I was supported and carried through the rough stuff that needed to be processed, and never felt unsafe or left alone during the hard times. These hard times inevitably led to a place of peace, unconditional love and balance that I am convinced will always remain in my heart as a refuge, accessible at all times. The essence of these months is actually beyond words. And so is my gratitude. I feel so blessed to have been and still am a part of this.

The world needs this, all beings need The Mary Magdalene Light to become what we truly are: pure loving consciousness.’

X., The Netherlands

‘Each channeling touched me deeply’

‘The Mary Magdalene Magical Months were a deep inner journey towards my soul. I liked the Guidance of Mary Magdalene best. I mean the direct channelings, because I felt deeply touched by each one. In the concluding Rebirth Weekend, everything went very smoothly and was prepared with love and great attention, up to the tiniest details like the napkins of Van Gogh’s painting The Almond Blossom. In one of the previous teachings, it had been mentioned as an expression of Rebirth.’

What I learned during these seven months is to become more peaceful inside me, gaining the possibility to let go off issues more easily, which had troubled me very much in the past; be able to accept that everybody has their own rhythm of evolution and development, even if I don’t like it; be able to set boundaries – saying NO and still feel well inside of me; to be much more aware of what my body wants to tell me, and to have more patience for myself, and others.’

Anke, Spain

‘I can finally start taking my place. A rebirth!’

‘What I received is not to balance with money. I received so much more than what I paid for. I’ve got a whole new being, a whole new life.

At first, I could not imagine that Mary Magdalene would be able to make me love myself, but she did! It was a journey through my life and far beyond. I had to, or better said, I was allowed and able to look at everything that kept me from loving myself. I was lovingly and magically supported in the letting go of those issues. So now I can start to be myself and that feels actually as if I can finally start living and take my place in life right now. A rebirth!

It makes me very sad that the Magical Months are over now and Harriët, I want to thank you again for your loving support and care. The day after our concluding Rebirth Weekend, I cried all day because I am so grateful about what I have achieved in the last few months.’

Daniela, Germany

‘Grateful for the greater silence within myself’

‘For me it was an adventurous inner journey that made me more autonomous and loving within myself. The Mary Magdalene Magical Months were not always easy, sometimes deep and painful. Allowing the personal guidance from you and my deep stirrings and inner work, I felt myself traveling up from the depths. The journey was worth it. It brought a warm embrace deep within myself, and I am grateful for the greater silence within myself, it’s good!’

Nicky, The Netherlands

Experiences with
The 22 Rays of The Mary Magdalene Light

‘My writing was elevated to another level’

‘I journal most days, but whilst I was in the Light of The 22 Rays, my writing flowed in a way it never has before: with guidance, poetry, thoughts and feelings. It was effortless and the words very meaningful.’

Phillipa, England

‘Participating for the second time was well worth it’

‘The experience of receiving The 22 Rays was deeper the second time. I felt a much deeper connection to each Ray. It was almost as if I was seeing some words and sentences in the daily Teachings for the first time. I could really identify, from the depths of my heart, with what they were telling me. Some Rays were also easier to grasp this time round as if some healing had taken place since the first one. A wonderful experience again. It is well worth the investment, and I would highly recommend it. Thank you Harriët.’

Norette, Ireland

‘Like a warm bath’

‘I am participating for the second time, and I’m once again impressed by the wonderful, beautiful Rays. Some Rays resonated immediately, and others felt more distant which is making me wonder why. I am going to read and feel through the texts again, step by step. Yesterday I felt myself held in the arms of Mary Magdalene, I felt enormously cherished. It was like a warm bath. I take that warm feeling with me, by hugging myself regularly, it feels wonderfully powerful and loving towards myself.’

Nicky, The Netherlands

‘These 22 days gave me clarity, simplicity and focus’

‘I had a very good 22 days. How beautiful, inspiring, and nourishing the 22 Teachings were! They were also confronting though… I had to adjust  my attitude towards life. The focus and energy built up over 22 days and I started having more energy, opening up, daring to speak out, to make choices in an easy way, with an overview brought from the perspective of clarity. Clarity, simplicity and focus: these are my take-aways of The 22 Rays. A big thank you.’

Marjolein, The Netherlands

‘The 22 Rays gave me a lot more than I expected’

‘This email program gave me a lot more than I would have thought. It was wonderful receiving a bit of these different feminine qualities every day. Some of them were in resonance with my being, and with others there was a little resistance, or more of a feeling of not knowing them so well. I am also really grateful for the “Mary’s Light” essence drops, to get that light fill every day, to keep going embracing that distant darkness. It was definitely worth the investment. I even recommended The 22 Rays to a friend and she joined.’

Kristina, Sweden

‘The results exceeded my high expectations’

‘The 22 Rays program was definitely well worth the investment, and I would recommend it to anyone who is thinking about the next 22 Rays, do not hesitate! My expectations were high, but the results exceeded them. I am looking forward to working with Harriet again, with this very special, loving, feminine Light.’

Phillipa, England

Experiences with
The Advanced Chakra Purification & Alignment Program

‘I have reached oneness, gentleness, authenticity and inner strength’

‘Words cannot capture the essence of this 9-month journey in its entirety. However, I would like to encourage others to take this journey. What this Chakra Program has changed in me: Oneness, gentleness, authenticity, and inner strength. Above all, I have the feeling of having arrived so much deeper in my heart and the truth of it.

This required constant courage and dedication. Harriët’s accompaniment, the essences and additional Light Transmissions supported the whole thing and made it easier. 

This journey cannot be compared to anything I have experienced before. It is something that has never been done before. And it connects us with a part of ourselves that has been missing for so long. Pure Divine Mother Love. The journey has not always been easy, but I would do it again and again.’

Verena, Portugal

‘Superb quality’

‘I would like to thank you for how beautifully and thoroughly you have delivered everything. Very neat and careful, every month. There’s a lot of work involved. I have taken many courses, etc., but you don’t see this quality often.’

Anonymous, The Netherlands

A Self-realization Journey from the Seeker to the Keeper’

‘“The Advanced Chakra Purification and Alignment Program” from my experience is a self- realization Journey from the Seeker to the Keeper – from Love of Approval outside, to Approval of LOVE within.

What a great blessing of giving and receiving, very well structured, in simplicity and clarity, great teachings, beautiful essences, very creative, truly insightful. Harriët provides a safe space with her beautiful compassionate heart to embrace, rebalance and empower our Brightness and Lightness of Being, and align with our divine plan/soul’s purpose.With my heartfelt Gratitude,’

Petra, Portugal
‘I experienced essential physical alignments’

‘Here is a little feedback on what I experienced in the first 5 weeks of this Advanced Chakra Program. My level of confidence grew incredibly with the Root Chakra Alignment, and many essential adjustments took place in my lower spine, posture, coccyx and Dantien. These were worked on in my Taichi/Qigong practice, and the alignments seemed to manifest themselves through the flow and guidance in the fire ceremonies that I conduct. I am truly thankful, happy and excited. 

I have felt the presence of The Mary Magdalen Light, and during the meditation to activate the Sacral Chakra healing, I felt a heavy enveloping presence while seeing a black fractal pattern with my eyes closed and understood that I was experiencing the black light which you were referring too. It was so powerful and gentle at the same time. I am so glad to be participating in this Harriët, it is truly an amazing and gratifying experience.’

Arvin, Guatemala

‘I am forever changed and reborn’

‘I have come to understand that we are all one and everything is connected. I have a stronger essence of myself and how I perceive the world around me not just of the human spirit but that of the animals, plants and nature spirits. My level of compassion has deepened as my consciousness has expanded. I can hear and communicate with my guides more clearly and am aware of the subtle life force energies that run through everything. I am eternally grateful for all the hard work that Harriët has gone through to bring this process together in the form of the Advanced Chakra Purification and Alignment Program. I am forever changed and reborn because of it.’

Jacqueline, United Kingdom

‘I have come an immense step
closer to my Self’

‘Harriët, at the beginning of the Advanced Chakra Program, you wrote that in 9 months we would probably write you an email on how much more we are at peace with ourselves :-) YES. That is true.

Yes, I have come an immense step closer to my Self. As close as I have ever felt to it in this life. My mission in life is clearer and I like living in this body so much more.

Yes, the journey with the Advanced Chakra Purification and Alignment Program is indescribable and was worth every day, every investment and every hurdle.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Harriët.’

Verena, Portugal
‘I can now go public with my skills and talents’

‘This 9-month Program I experienced as a huge shift. But it went in a gentle and fairly even manner. I feel like a lot of what was already inside me was just waiting to be touched.

I am in love with the Light, the sensations sometimes in the night, a soft buzzing, wavy feeling in my body. I then become warm and happy inside. Sometimes the images of geometric figures all revolving in and around each other in perfect balance and harmony. I then feel supported and am aware of a bigger picture and a deep connection.

The last month has been very special. Processing the loss of my mother and reestablishing myself. I have been wobbly the past month, searching for words, no focus. But the new balance is now starting to come, and once again I feel very strongly that everything is right. I have always had so many desires and wishes and I see that I already have everything, sometimes in a different form than I thought, but it is there!

My transformation is enormous, Harriët, I really didn’t think I would be able to go public with the talents and skills I have, I am so happy with it!’

Liset, The Netherlands

‘A tough but exciting journey, leading to more peace of mind’

‘What this journey called “The Advanced Chakra Purification and Alignment Program” has given me:

  • Life is one big exciting adventure. It is so liberating to learn lessons and to trust, again and again.
  • This program was not always easy, but it has yielded a lot, even my house and garden have undergone a transformation. I guess the outside is always a reflection of the inside.
  • I also overcame tearing my nails. Instead, I stroke my nails lovingly and that feels good. Unlocking and relaxing my knees also gives me more peace of mind. In short, more consciously taking good and loving care of myself. Wonderful!
  • Feeling all kinds of emotions more deeply and staying with them, is another great lesson. Nowadays, I let emotions pass through me and I witness what message they want to give me. This really suits me.
  • It was a tough, exciting journey with many insights, and I’m glad I was allowed to make that journey my way.

Thank you Harriët, for making this impressive Light Program possible.’

Nicky, The Netherlands

Experiences with
1-Hour Mary Magdalene Light Healing

‘Calm, loving, shivers, tingles’

‘The healing was very calming and loving. I got lots of shivers and tingles too. It actually felt more like an activation than a healing. It was a really good experience.’

Michelle, Ireland

‘I feel balanced and charged’

‘In a busy weekend full of practical and festive activities, the one-hour healing felt very balanced and refreshing to me. When I lay down, I immediately relaxed deeply. During the healing I occasionally woke up, to notice that the process was not yet finished and then sank deeper again.

That night I also slept exceptionally well, deeply and peacefully. All in all, a feeling of balanced, charging energy. Very nice. Thanks for that.’

Githa, The Netherlands
‘Is it that easy to get rid of fears?’

‘My intention for the one-hour healing was to be able to be more conscious about the origin of my inner fears, false beliefs, behaviours, and how to overcome them. When I was laying on my bed, I lost myself by falling into ‘the Ocean’. The Light of the sun shining through the surface was becoming smaller and smaller until I reached a point where there was nearly no light at all. A great fear came up, but I decided to let me fall more. It was like falling into the abyss, but at the same time I was accepting the fears that were starting to cut off my breath. 

And suddenly this scene had gone and another one opened up which was fantastic: I saw a beautiful lovely corner of an ancient courtyard. I saw a small wooden table and chairs, beautiful plants and flowers climbing up the walls and the columns, and this whole scene was illuminated by the light of a warm afternoon sun. 

Then suddenly the idea rose up that this must have been one of Mary Magdalene’s favourite places. The air I could breathe was full of peace and joy, and with this internal feeling I woke up!

Returning again into my mental head, I’m now doubting about the meaning of these scenes. Should it really be so easy to get rid of all your fears, false beliefs and behaviours??? Just by letting fall yourself into the abyss?? By just accepting the strong fears which were cutting my breath off?? A revelation!’

Anke, Spain

‘I was shown my old pattern’

‘For the 1-hour healing session in The Mary Magdalene Light, I set the intention to heal the relationship with a dear friend of mine. The day before the healing I had met her and afterwards I felt so tense and full of resistance seeing her again, that I was wondering what it was in me that reacted so intensely. At the beginning of the healing session, I could feel a deep pain in my heart that became bigger and bigger. I could allow it to show itself fully, I could even relax into that pain. What The Mary Magdalene Light showed me, was that I still carried a lot of pain in my heart that resulted from MY old pattern of putting loved ones and other people, like family, friends, colleagues etc. first in my life instead of putting my connection to the Light first. So the message I received is: LIGHT FIRST! Thank you for making this experience possible, Harriët! And thank you, Mary Magdalene!’

Irene, Germany

‘A steely calmness’

‘I did a one-hour healing and I could feel the heat surge through my body, my hands and legs were literally stuck to the bed. A calmness came over me, but it was a steely calmness that is quite difficult to describe really. Thank you so much.’

Norette, Ireland

‘Pretty cool experience’

‘When I did the hour-long healing, I laid down as recommended in the instructions and I noticed my hands vibrating. In my experience from the spiritual studies that I have done, when my hands vibrate or get fizzy, there is healing force. And I thought: that’s pretty cool!’

Aryana, United States


‘The light healing was great, wow. Relieving really, soft but powerful. Very nice! Thanks for that.’

G, The Netherlands

‘The flower of life came into my mind’s eye’

‘Thank you so much for this opportunity to participate, I am most grateful to you Harriët and Mary Magdalene. I am feeling the benefits of her beautiful energies. As the healing took place, I had a vision of the flower of life geometric pattern come into my mind’s eye.

‘I feel more momentum and keep finding messages’

‘I received a one-hour light healing. I found it hard to settle and felt I was supposed to be aware and not just sleep through it. I knew the Light was flowing and lots of ideas kept coming into my head. I had asked for inspiration and support around a certain area, and in the last few days I feel more momentum and keep finding messages, You Tube pieces, etc. giving me information, confirming what I am doing, supporting me. I feel the Light has not stopped flowing since then, so it really wants to be present in my life. I wanted to wait a few days to process this before I replied. Thank you for the healing.’

Mary, Ireland

‘It was deep, very deep and transforming’

‘When I lay down to receive the healing and as I relaxed my body, I could feel the intensity of the vibrations increase ever so comfortably. I could describe it very similar to my first experience with the Emerald Heart Light; welcoming, soothing as it worked its way through my physical body little by little. At some point I fell asleep, and when I awoke, I had had really clear and vivid dreams. In one, I was before a group of what I regarded were Mayan Elders who were sort of evaluating my progress, on a hilltop, when we were all of a sudden forced to stop and stand still as wild wolves had approached us and we had to become invisible in a sense. I remember feeling fear, but maintaining calm as they sniffed but could not find us. There was a sense of trusting that if I could control my fear through breathing and being present, I had nothing to fear. It was deep, very deep and transforming.’

Arvin, Guatemala

‘I felt the love of the Divine Mother in all her beauty and Grace’

‘Thank you Harriët, for bringing us this beautiful opportunity to connect with The Light. What I can say of my experience? In some ways it may read as other worldly yet it is not. As I settled, I was aware of the moonlight shining through my window making the experience rather magical. I invited The Mary Magdalene Light in and I felt the Love of the Divine Mother in all her beauty and Grace. My heart expanded and opened to the Love that was present – my heart became a spiralling universe of colour – I was told the universe is in your Heart, you are the universe.


The feeling of joy is difficult to explain. I felt connected to a group I was shown, this group is all of us and we are celebrating. There was so much much joy, laughter, dancing, singing and Love, there are no words to describe. This is what we have access to even in our darkest moments if we allow ourselves to step into it. I’m Gratitude.’

Loraine, Scotland

‘I received many messages’

‘Hi Harriët, I received three one-hour Light Healings and found them all to be very peaceful and pleasurable. I received messages also. During my first session I heard “Listen with your heart and not with your mind for to hear with your heart is to hear your true self”, then I heard “lay at your feet”, and then I heard “If I can give you a drink then he will be happy”; During my second session I heard “Your story has been locked up for a very long time”; and during my 3rd session I heard “son”, I also heard something else but didn’t catch it but it had the word “metal” in it. I am not quite sure what to make of all that, but I thought I would share it with you anyway. Thank you for the wonderful light it was much appreciated.’

‘Blue, golden and purple light’

‘During the Light Healing, when I first lay down, I felt an energy flow flowing through my whole body from the point between my eyebrows to my toes. I first saw a light blue light in my body and then a circle of radiant golden light around my whole aura. I felt cradled and softly touched. I lay with my open hands to the world, because I felt warm energy flowing from my hands and felt energy in the centre of my feet (the bubbling spring energy point).
My friend, who was also participating in the Light Healing, saw a purple light. He ended up in a timelessness and he lay down with open hands to let the energy flow into the world.’

Arvin, Guatemala

‘Life changing’

‘Just wanted to thank you Harriët. It is a great joy for me to have received the healing. Many very special things happened to me that day that have changed my life. Thank you…’

Arvin, Guatemala

‘Healing tears fell’

‘The energy came in softly. It circled around & went to my throat chakra. In the beginning it was very intense & healing tears fell. As it progressed the energy in my throat became much lighter. At first there was a beat which became fluttering. It felt like a butterfly inside gently flapping it’s wings.

I went to the window after the healing finished. The sky was lit up by the moon. Around it were soft swirling white clouds. Dancing like waves. Around the moon was a blue hue with a large pink aura coming from it.

I felt this healing was all about softness. Being in the moment. Taking care of our bodies. Planning the next step. I thank you.’

‘Complete balance of the masculine and feminine’

‘I went for an early walk up my local hill – it was a beautiful still sunny morning and I was repeating my healing intention on the way up with a view to going back to the flat to lie down and receive the healing. But when I reached the summit, I strongly felt I should lie down on the grass in the sun and receive healing there.

I felt a very peaceful energy and fine vibration in my body. When I got back home, I lay down and listened to some music by ‘Stellar’, a track called Divine Harmony and the energy was amazing. Later a friend came over and I played the track to her and I felt a complete balance of the masculine and feminine.’

Christopher, England

‘Grateful for the bond of love’

‘Dear Harriët, as the light came in, I felt very heavy. Was aware of a lot of dark emotions being released. After the healing, I travelled to spend time with my grandchildren. Was aware of the stress and pressures everyone puts themselves through. The highlight was just cuddling up on the sofa and feeling a sense of being grateful for the bond of love. Feeling still. Thank you Harriët.’

Annette, Scotland

‘Being at peace with myself and the world’

‘When the healing started, I noticed nearly immediately energies coming up, they were soft and light. I had the feeling that they surrounded me completely. A feeling of an inner harmony invaded my body, being in peace with myself and the rest of the world.

The next day, I felt a lot of energies in my hands, so I got into contact with my friends and gave them both a Distance Healing, and to my husband too. Another effect of the healing is that I am much more conscious or aware when my Ego is emerging in my thoughts.’

Anke, Spain

‘The healing gave me the courage to distribute my Reiki flyers’

‘I received the Mary Magdalene light for 1 hour. I lay down under a blanket, set my intention “To have courage to embrace my feminine power” and created sacred space with a candle and some background music. I felt relaxed and calm and half way through I turned over to the foetal position. It was very comforting. 

I felt some heat in my heart chakra but other than that I didn’t really get any major sensations. I find I don’t feel a lot in distant healings or transmissions whatever this means. I got an image of a little child in my mind. It is hard to describe the overall effect but it is like a quiet sense of just being.

Today I went out and distributed flyers for my Reiki practice at the annual village festival where I live. This is something I would not have had the courage to do this time last year at the festival. I felt a calm serenity while I met the public. Thank you again, Harriët.’

N., Ireland