Receive a Remote Hara Line Healing

For increased focus, direction and alignment

  • Is your life in alignment with your personal life purpose?

  • Are you the captain of your own ship, steering your own life?

  • How focused are you?

  • Are you easily overwhelmed by emotions which push you out of alignment?

  • Do you undermine yourself with procrastination and other self-sabotage mechanisms?

Discover your Hara Line

If you regularly feel challenged to stay at the helm of your own ship, your Hara Line needs attention. Without a strong Hara Line, it is impossible to sail in the right direction, YOUR direction.

The state of your Hara Line defines your ability to live your life purpose

What is the Hara Line?

Your Hara Line should not be confused with your Central Channel, which is part of your aura and connects your chakras with each other.

Your Hara Line:

  • Is a vertical dimension in the centre of your body, connecting you with the Source of Creation above and the core of Mother Earth below.
  • Is the foundation on which your aura and chakras are formed
  • Represents your subconscious level of intention

If your Hara Line is wobbly, your course will be wobbly too

Your Hara Line can be weak, clogged or misaligned at some point. As a result, it will be impossible for you to stay on track, no matter how hard you try.

A strong and developed Hara Line:

  • Frees you from self-sabotage

  • Allows you to live a focused and successful life

  • Helps you to avoid inner drama

Your Hara Line needs attention

The Hara Line of most of us is out of alignment at some point. We then experience the sort of life challenges mentioned above. Losing focus, losing direction, losing ourselves.

As the Hara Line is located in a subconscious dimension within, it is difficult to address, improve and heal by ourselves.

Hara Line Healing is developed specifically to help you heal
and strengthen your Hara Line.

Transmission dates in 2024:

October Sunday 27th

at 8pm your local time

€0 – 44 Donation based

Receive your Hara Line Healing remotely

Available anywhere in the world

Our 1-hour Hara Line Healing is developed to improve the state of your Hara Line, bringing significantly more flow to one or more areas of your life where you tend to struggle.

A Hara Line Healing is:

  • A 1-hour remote healing
  • Receivable wherever you are
  • Delivered with the Light of The Divine Mother
  • Transmitted at 8pm your local time
  • Donation based

A Hara Line Healing:

  • Clears your Hara Line from old and unwanted energies
  • Realigns and repairs your Hara Line where needed
  • Strengthens the quality of your Hara Line
Hara Line healing workshop

Experiences with
Hara Line Healing

Your Hara Line Healing changed my life

‘Last month’s Hara Line healing changed my life. I’m now headed to grad school to get my master’s in nutrition. On the Zoom call a couple of months ago, you said, after I shared my experiences with the light transmissions, that you had the sense that food would be a big part of my path. You were right!’

Kelly, USA

‘As if a long rod had been inserted through my body’

‘My Hara Line healing was very profound indeed. I think I was being guided towards accepting this because I needed it. At times it was quite challenging, and I did feel as if my insides were being “squeezed”. I also felt as if a long rod had been inserted along my body! However, I knew that it must have meant urgent repair work was needed as it was probably quite out of alignment.

So, I am very grateful for Harriët and Divine Mother for offering this service. I felt much more complete afterwards, and a strange sensation of being more “upright”. I can’t wait to try another one, I feel so much fresher now!’

Patrick, United Kingdom

‘An ancient blockage of multiple lifetimes is now gone’

‘I have previously experienced the removal of things that I would describe as ‘limiters’ that have been placed along my spiritual path as a way of making sure I do not progress too quickly. This felt very much like a much more powerful version of that process. Something that has been blocking me across multiple lifetimes is now gone.’


‘The energy in my stomach area can flow now’

‘It’s such a relief that the energy can flow now in my stomach area and up and down my Hara Line. The thought of aligning with my soul’s purpose fills me with happiness, it’s an area that’s always confused me.’


Ready to sign up?

Last option in 2024:

October Sunday 27th

at 8pm your local time

€0 – 44 Donation based

Extend your healing

Should you wish to extend the effects of your Hara Line Healing for an additional 4 weeks, I recommend The Mary Magdalene Light essence vibration ‘The Pure Power of Intention‘.

  • Brings focus for your direction

  • Aligns you with your Hara dimension

  • Connects with your life task

€29.98 – €37.45

Add the essence to your order after choosing your donation amount