Being (Good Enough) Meditation


Nurturing and replenishing

Downloadable recording

Have you ever experienced the blessed state of BEING ENOUGH? This profound, healing meditation will guide you there.

Feeling not good enough – or in other words: unworthiness – is something that we all struggle with in lesser or greater extent. The source of this pain can be traced back to early childhood though we are mostly unaware of it and lies deep. A baby can easily conclude that he/she is not worthy of love when experiencing a lack of attention, milk, or love. This painful conclusion is then carried on throughout and becomes a hindrance to a happy and fulfilling life.

In this healing meditation, you will not only get the opportunity to nurture all your love-craving cells, but also replenish and saturate them, so you can experience wholeness and ‘being enoughness’.

Mother Earth will start with gradually nurturing and saturating your body cells. Once you have absorbed this nurturing and feel fully grounded, your system is ready to receive unconditional, eternal love from The Mother Goddess. You can now allow your cells to be replenished by this Womb of Creation, from top till toe. You are guided towards a state of being where there are no needs and no cravings, and where there is no need to compare. You may even enter the I AM where you transcend BEING ENOUGH.

Meditation time: 34 minutes
Integration time: 20-30 minutes

This meditation is provided as an mp4 file, which you can listen to on any device.

You can help heal your pain caused by feelings of not being good enough, by using the essence vibration called ‘Self-Love’, which was given by The Mary Magdalene Light.

As extra gift to go with this meditation, I offer a 5-euro discount on this unique essence.

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Plan extra time for your healing to fully unfold

You might find that after participating in The Mother Goddess Meditation, you feel the need to lie down to enable the healing to fully unfold in your system.

  • Allow yourself 20 to 30 minutes – or any time you need – for this extra benefit.

  • Taking 5 to 10 minutes to journal your experiences also helps reinforce the benefits.

Each time you listen, you will need to allow time for the healing to unfold. Why? Because each time you do this meditation, The Mary Magdalene Light will help you in another way to heal and become whole.

Drink plenty of water

Drink enough water in the 24 to 48 hours after each meditation to support your system in releasing and washing out any waste products. This can be a beneficial side-effect of the purifying power of The Mother Goddess Meditations.

How to use your Self-Love Essence

1) Take three tiny drops, three times a day, in a little water: first thing in the morning, halfway through your day and when you go to bed at night. Should you have ordered an alcohol-free bottle, then you only need two tiny drops at each take, as the drops themselves are larger.

2) For full effect, continue as mentioned above until your bottle is empty.

3) After finishing the essence, the vibration will continue its beneficial effect for another two weeks. In total you will receive six weeks of healing and personal evolution around your healing target. Great value for money!

The specifics of the Self-Love essence vibration

This 10ml Light Essence consists of the Mary Magdalene Light, an energy pattern, water and approximately 30% alcohol for preservation (unless you ordered the alcohol-free version)

  • Keywords are Self-Love, self-sabotage, negative patterns, negative thoughts, addictions.

  • My essences do not conflict with homeopathy or any other medication.

  • These essences provide additional support and should not be taken instead of medication issued by a qualified health practitioner.

  • The minimum age for this sacred and profound healing meditation is 18 years.

  • The Mother Goddess Meditations are not recommended if you suffer from deep seated mental issues such as psychosis or other psychological disorders. You are responsible for your health and well-being and this includes choosing to take a healing of any modality.

  • Do not participate in a Mother Goddess Meditation while standing, walking, driving or using any potentially dangerous utensils. All Mother Goddess Meditations need to be done in an upright sitting position, with your feet on the floor.

  • You are responsible for your own behaviour. Do not drive or use dangerous utensils immediately after a Mother Goddess Meditation. Give your system ample time to integrate and to come back to The Now.

After your purchase

Once you have made your purchase, please check your inbox for the order confirmation. It contains a link to an mp4 with the meditation of your choice.

If you have not received the mail, please check your spam folder and if need be, contact me.

Additional information


Being (Good) Enough Meditation

Optional PACKAGE DEAL: €5 discount (already applied) on the Self-Love essence

No Essence, Essence bottle sent by post €32,45, Alcohol-free essence bottle sent by post €32,45, Transmission of the essence vibration (no postage needed) €24,98

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