Energise, Improve & Develop your Throat Chakra

Unlock your self-expression
and speak your truth

Receive a 4-week
Remote Light Transmission

How well do you express your truth?

Are you shy about speaking?

Do you tend to talk too much?

These are signs that your Throat Chakra, the centre for sound and speech, needs some attention. This Chakra for communication and daring to share what is inside of you. It is about being able to express oneself. The Throat Chakra holds the key to unlocking your authentic voice and the ability to speak your truth.

How genuine are your words?

The most important aspect of the Throat Chakra function is not how you speak, but what you speak, and how truthful your words are. In other words, this chakra holds your ability to fearlessly communicate your authentic self. A healthy Throat Chakra will allow you to express yourself and speak the truth from a place of integrity.

  • When it is blocked or deficient, we tend to be shy and struggle to speak

  • When its energy is excessive, we are loud and tend to talk too much

  • When balanced, the Throat Chakra allows us to communicate clearly, to listen well, and be attuned to our surroundings

Location and physical significance

The Throat Chakra is located in the neck, and it reaches from your shoulders all the way up to your medulla oblongata (a tail-like structure at the base of the brain that connects the brain to the spinal cord).

The body parts and organs which are linked to it are the vocal apparatus, lungs and the alimentary canal.

If you would like to energise, improve and develop your Throat Chakra, then a 1-month Light Transmission with a special focus on this energy centre is exactly what you need.

You don’t need to do anything

How does it work?

Instead of doing exercises, you receive a 1-month transmission of ‘The Golden Ray of Sovereignty.’ This specific Ray of The Mary Magdalene Light helps to embrace your independent opinions whilst staying connected to others, as there is no fulfilment in making yourself small.

  • This Light Transmission will clear, unblock, energise, balance and support your Throat Chakra in a more profound way than you could do yourself

  • The Mary Magdalene Light will also invite your Throat Chakra to develop and evolve to another level. Meaning, your Throat Chakra will be activated and/or strengthened at the level of your extended Light Body

  • The Mary Magdalene Light is a feminine Spiritual Light. It will also help you connect more deeply with the abundant, replenishing Feminine Forces, within and around you


‘Confident about expressing who I truly am’

‘I benefited from the Throat Chakra month, though it’s hard to put into words exactly how. I feel more confident about expressing just who I truly am… and that’s saying a lot!’

Maria, Panama

Benefits of this
Throat Chakra Month:

  • Develop more respect for your unique, important opinion

  • Connect with the courage to speak your truth

  • Connect with others from a place of integrity and genuineness

  • Discover your unique ways of self-expression

  • Helps preventing making yourself smaller than you are

A fabulous extra bonus for you

Value €29.98

I would like to offer you, no costs involved, at no additional cost, a ‘transmission’ of the fabulous Mary Magdalene Light Essence called ‘Individuation’. This exquisite vibration is for oral intake. It enriches and maximizes the effects of your Throat Chakra Month. Once you have registered, you will receive instructions on how to obtain this essence vibration.

The fee for your Throat Chakra Month

The fee for this Divine and unparalleled Throat Chakra Month is 139 euro. This includes the Essence Transmission worth 29.98 euro, the Essence Reading and a powerful Spiritual Teaching that accompanies The Ray of Sovereignty.

Once you have registered, ‘The Ray of Sovereignty’ will flow into your aura during 28 days.

Concise Chakra Analysis

Discover which of your chakras need the most attention for you to gain more self-esteem, self-love and self-realisation.

1:1 Online session of 45 minutes with Harriët’s channelled guidance and advice:

  • 45 Minutes quality time just for you

  • 1:1 Channelled guidance

  • Concise audio recorded chakra analysis

  • Soak up the uplifting Mary Magdalene Light for 45 minutes

€87 euro