Energise, Improve & Develop your Solar Plexus Chakra

Manifest your unique identity

Receive a 4-week
Remote Light Transmission

Who am I?

Why am I here?

When your Solar Plexus Chakra functions well, you can answer these questions effortlessly.

Your Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the immense pleasure of truly knowing your unique role within the Universe. When this chakra functions well, you are firmly grounded in your unique place in the Universe.

Your manifestation centre

Your Solar Plexus Chakra is your inner sacred place, which is directly related to your sense of self (worthiness!) and helps you manifest yourself on Earth.

It is located in your stomach area, exactly between your navel and your heart. It is associated with the colour yellow and looks like a vortex.

Emotional significance

Whilst Earth is the element linked to your Root Chakra, and Water to your Sacral, it is the element of Fire that governs the third of your mayor chakras. Fire gets us going (gives us power, mobility and warmth) and can also be used to burn away (transform) inner obstacles (inertia, self-sabotage mechanisms, addictions) in order to live your Divine Purpose.

Physical significance

The areas of your body governed by this chakra are: the mid-back, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, liver and gallbladder. Your Solar Plexus Chakra is also associated with your intention regarding your physical health. When this energy centre functions well, you are able to stay clear from unwholesome behaviour that prevents you from living your life to the fullest.

If you are looking to improve your self-worth and connect deeper with your unique place within the Universe, I recommend receiving a 1-month Light Transmission with a special focus on your Solar Plexus Chakra.

You don’t need to do anything

How does it work?

Instead of doing exercises, you receive a 1-month Light Transmission. This transmission consists of ‘The Ray of Determination’, which is one of the 22 Divine Feminine aspects of The Mary Magdalene Light. This specific Ray will flow through your aura to energise, improve and develop your Solar Plexus Chakra.

  • It helps you surrender more deeply to your unique role within the Universe

  • This Light Transmission will clear, unblock, energise, balance and support your Solar Plexus Chakra in a more profound way than you could do yourself.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light will also invite your Solar Plexus Chakra to develop and evolve to another level. Meaning, your Solar Plexus Chakra will be activated and/or strengthened at the level of your extended Light Body.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light is a feminine Spiritual Light. It will help you connect more deeply with the abundant, replenishing Feminine Forces, within and around you.

Benefits of this
Solar Plexus Chakra Month:

  • Enhances self-worth

  • Gives a deeper understanding of your unique identity

  • Improves positive decisions for your physical health

  • Helps unchain yourself from self-sabotaging habits

  • Supports manifesting your Divine Purpose

A fabulous extra bonus for you

Value €29.98

I would like to offer you, no costs involved, at no additional cost, a ‘transmission’ of the fabulous Mary Magdalene Light Essence called ‘Life-force’. This exquisite vibration is for oral intake. It enriches and maximizes the effects of your Solar Plexus Chakra Month. Once you have registered, you will receive instructions on how to obtain this essence vibration.

The fee for your Solar Plexus Chakra Month

The fee for this Divine and unparalleled Solar Plexus Chakra Month is 139 euro. This includes the Essence Transmission worth 29.98 euro, the Essence Reading and a powerful Spiritual Teaching that accompanies The Ray of Determination.

Once you have registered, ‘The Ray of Determination’ will flow into your aura during 28 days.

Concise Chakra Analysis

Discover which of your chakras need the most attention for you to gain more self-esteem, self-love and self-realisation.

1:1 Online session of 45 minutes with Harriët’s channelled guidance and advice:

  • 45 Minutes quality time just for you

  • 1:1 Channelled guidance

  • Concise audio recorded chakra analysis

  • Soak up the uplifting Mary Magdalene Light for 45 minutes

€87 euro