Energise, Improve & Develop your Sacral Chakra
Increase your creativity, playfulness
and pleasure
Take a 4-week
remote Light Transmission
How playful are you?
Have you given any attention to your Sacral Chakra lately?
The Sacral Chakra is your centre of pleasure and is located in your lower belly. Playfulness is the keyword for this chakra. This centre governs your senses, emotions, passion, connection and intimacy. A balanced Sacral Chakra allows you to express your creativity, form deep intimate relationships and pursue your passions.

The element of Water
The Sacral Chakra is associated with the colour orange, looks like a vortex and sucks up prana. Water is the element of the Sacral Chakra, and represents fluidity, flow, movement and aliveness.
Emotional significance
Your Sacral Chakra governs your senses, emotions, passion, connection and intimacy. A balanced Sacral Chakra allows you to express your creativity, form deep intimate relationships and pursue your passions.
Physical significance
The areas of your body governed by this chakra are: the sacrum, the hips, lower back, groin, the kidneys, bladder and sexual organs (including the womb and the prostate).
If you are looking to increase your creativity, playfulness and pleasure, I recommend receiving a 1-month Light Transmission with a special focus on your Sacral Chakra.
You don’t need to do anything
How does it work?
Instead of doing exercises, you receive a 1-month Light Transmission. This transmission consists of ‘The Ray of Fulfilment’, which is one of the 22 Divine Feminine aspects of The Mary Magdalene Light. This specific Ray helps you surrender more deeply to your soul’s purpose, which inevitably results in increased creativity, playfulness and pleasure.
Benefits of this
Sacral Chakra Month:
A fabulous extra bonus for you
Value €29.98
I would like to offer you, no costs involved, at no additional cost, a ‘transmission’ of the fabulous Mary Magdalene Light Essence called ‘Joy’. This exquisite vibration is for oral intake. It enriches and maximizes the effects of your Sacral Chakra Month. Once you have registered, you will receive instructions on how to obtain this essence vibration.
The fee for your Sacral Chakra Month
The fee for this Divine and unparalleled Sacral Chakra Month is 139 euro. This includes the Essence Transmission worth 29.98 euro, the Essence Reading and a powerful Spiritual Teaching that accompanies The Ray of Fulfilment.
Once you have registered, ‘The Ray of Fulfilment’ will flow into your aura during 28 days.