Womb of Gold

Essence Vibration for the Second-level Grounding of your Womb

The ‘Womb of Gold’ essence vibration can be particularly useful once our womb* is firmly grounded in The Mother Star (see the Magdala essence vibration in the Womb Essences’ range). This vibration accompanies the Golden Seed of Self-Love Attunement for the Womb, but can also be taken alone.

* Should you no longer have a physical uterus, this vibration will address the remaining energetic blueprint.

  • The essence filters energetic remains of emotional pain or physical trauma out of your womb and Womb Chakra. It nurtures your Femininity and helps to develop more power in your core.
  • Assists with: self-empowerment, self-realisation, sovereignty

For the essence reading, intake options and essence specifics please click an option below.


Essence Reading

Intake Options & Instructions

Essence Specifics

Essence Reading

Received: on July 21st 2022, a cloudy and windy evening with heavy drizzle.
Time: Around 8pm.
Location: On a patch of grass with shrubs and a young birch tree along the beach of a lake called the Schildmeer.
Key words: Second Level Womb* Grounding. Accompanies the Golden Seed of Self-Love Attunement for the Womb but can also be taken alone. Enhances the relationship with your womb, with Mother Earth and The Divine Mother which bear power, direction and self-expression.

* If your physical uterus has been removed, do not worry, the vibration will address the remaining energetic blueprint.

It is a cloudy and windy evening with endless vertical lines of heavy drizzle. Normally, this kind of weather would keep me indoors, but I feel a strong inner urge to visit the nearby lake. After a whole day inside, I am craving nature, no matter the weather.

The lake is called the Schildmeer, and originally consisted of one or two naturally formed pools located in a high moor area before peat was dug up.

Back around 1870, the two pools were connected by a canal. The prevailing south-westerly wind however, progressively eroded the canal’s banks, creating eventually a large lake covering a surface area of ​​284 hectares. Nowadays, the largest part of the remaining banks is a nature reserve.

The Schildmeer is only around 1.5 metres deep, so relatively shallow yet deep enough for smaller ships and flat-bottomed boats. There are only a few recreational facilities such as a marina and associated businesses, a sandy beach, a few catering establishments and a bungalow park, otherwise it is pure nature.

A large golden ball is birthed in my womb
The beach and the water are calling me. I want to feel sand under my feet, the wind on my face and look out at the horizon over the water. I surrender and as soon as I arrive there, I feel my body emit a long sigh of relief. Yes, this is what I need!

Strangely enough, the grass behind the footpath along the beach, is also beckoning to me. I feel compelled to go and stand there which I do, next to some shrubs and a young birch tree. I look out over the lake at three yellow buoys in the water, each one further away from the other and thus smaller. For the rest there is nothing or no one to be seen, not even a dog walker. The weather has kept everyone inside. Suits me, I love being alone with the elements.

Suddenly I feel a tremendous power rising up from deep within Mother Earth towards my uterus. A large golden ball forms in my womb area and anchors me firmly into the Earth as I hear the words ‘Womb of Gold.’ What is going on?!? It is so powerful it frightens me.

Being a powerful woman
The ball of gold filling me highlights how incredibly powerful I could physically be. It brings me a deep sense of inner safety, yet it frightens me at the same time. A fear of attracting aggression simply by being a powerful woman. And also, the fear of unintentionally hurting someone with this incredible power, it would be so easy to do so!

Feeling the Womb of Gold in my belly, I decide to walk on to my initial goal, the waterline. The lake ripples loudly in the wind. I am then guided to stand still. As I do so, I experience a surge of powerful energy rising up from the sand below my feet which cleanses my Sacral Chakra, sucking up all that does not serve it, like a vacuum cleaner. First the back and then the front. I feel profoundly liberated.

Mission accomplished
I didn’t know that there was a particular mission for me here, but I now feel that whatever it was, is accomplished. I pass by the patch of grass where I first stood, on my way back to the car. There, I am given a few other meaningful words: ‘The Golden Womb of Creation.’

Back home, it all seems a bit strange. I also feel rather strange. Yet also free and refreshed. Am I entering a phase of rebirth?

As I rest on the sofa, I suddenly receive an essence vibration through my womb, and it comes with the name ‘Womb of Gold.’ Wow, so much in one day and totally unexpected!

Anchoring the womb
As I fully take this in, the three yellow buoys that were floating on the lake appear in my mind’s eye. Each one further away from the other, with the third one as smallest. The yellow has turned to golden. I feel that they symbolise something. Then I know: of course, it is the anchoring of a woman’s power centre, the womb, into Mother Earth, in three subsequent, deeper steps.

The more profoundly our womb is rooted in the Earth, the better we can live our life. We then naturally sense, from that grounding, in which direction to develop; how to best take care of ourselves; when to stay loyal to our own life instead of pleasing others; when to take action or not. We instinctively feel safe and powerful inside and effortlessly align with the Divine Feminine Forces within and without.

The synagogue of Magdala
As I sit there, I realise that I had already received the first step of this sacred grounding process 3.5 years ago. It was in the excavation of the 1st century synagogue of Magdala, the small fishermen’s town where Mary Magdalene lived when she met Jesus. Then too the weather was chilly and rainy – Israel had never experienced so much rain in one month.

Historians accept that both Mary and Jesus have been in this synagogue. It was right there that I received the essence vibration named ‘Magdala.’ It helps to awaken ‘The Magdalene Within,’ the template of the Mother Goddess present in every woman, waiting to be activated at the right time.

The Mother Star
The Magdala essence is an initiating vibration. It aligns our Holy Womb Chakra and uterus (or its blueprint if you no longer have the organ) with The Mother Star, a dormant chakra situated approximately 30 metres (98.5 feet) below the surface of the Earth. Once your womb and The Mother Star align, this Earth Chakra becomes part of your energy system, making you more grounded, more complete and more at one with All That Is.

I realise that what I received only 80 minutes ago, is a similar initiation to the one delivered back then in Magdala, grounding my womb a step deeper into Mother Earth. I have reached the second buoy!

Today, in the less exotic and very Dutch thus flat landscape of the Schildmeer, I am being initiated, through my womb into a new step on my life journey. This is confirmed the next day – which happens to be Mary Magalene’s official Feast Day – when I receive guidance encouraging me to work more with The Divine Mother, now that I have served The Mary Magdalene Light for over five years.

Grounding the Light of The Divine Mother
Working with The Divine Mother certainly requires deeper grounding as Her Light and Her omnipresent cradle for life, are of a much higher frequency than The Mary Magdalene Light.

The Mary Magdalene Light has always served me, when needed, as a Portal to The Divine Mother. However, in order to be able to ground The Divine Mother’s potent Light, our bodies themselves need to be firmly rooted into the Earth. In particular our uterus and Womb Chakra as they form the natural doorways to Her, The Mother Goddess.

Our Womb Chakra is not featured on the usual chakra ladder. It is the Chakra beyond all Chakras. All genders have a Womb Chakra. It is a template on another vibrational level than your seven major chakras. It is your Holy Grail. It is the holiest place of power in your body and the access point, for all genders, to The Divine Mother. Women also have their uterus, their womb as an extra portal to The Womb of Creation. Should you have had a hysterectomy, know that the uterus’ matrix still holds that potential.

Once our womb is well grounded in The Mother Star (this may take a few years of personal transformation and development, unless you are already naturally connected to this chakra in Mother Earth), and once we feel ready for the next step towards becoming more at one with The Divine Mother, this is the moment when the ‘Womb of Gold’ essence vibration can be of optimal use.

The Golden Seed of Self-Love Attunement for the Womb
This vibration is ideally to be taken together with an Attunement called ‘The Golden Seed of Self-Love for the Womb,’ whereby you receive this seed of Golden Light in your Holy Womb Chakra. For this Attunement to unfold, you also need The Mary Magdalene Light Program and a few essence vibrations, starting with ‘Womb of Gold.’ The advantage of receiving the Attunement is that your womb’s Second Level Grounding Process is then totally covered for a full half year.

If you have already received this Attunement, and wish to deepen the relationship between your womb and Mother Earth and The Divine Mother, you can take ‘Womb of Gold’ as a stand-alone vibration.

If you feel called to take this essence vibration by itself, without the Attunement, you are welcome to do so. By all means, it will enhance the connection between your womb, Mother Earth and The Divine Mother.

Please know that you can repeat this essence vibration when needed. It is important to note – and this holds true for all our essence vibrations – that you never receive exactly the same vibration. Each time you use a vibration, it will attune itself to your actual situation and offer you precisely what you need at that moment in time.

A myriad of extraordinary benefits
As mentioned before, the Womb of Gold essence vibration is an initiating vibration and brings many extraordinary benefits. It is only now, over two years since it was originally offered, that I understand its true meaning. It is only now, that I am able to write this Essence Reading and present Womb of Gold to you, with serene confidence and the dignity it takes to hold this vibration inside my womb for all wishing to receive it.

Let me list here all the beautiful benefits it can bring you. The Womb of Gold vibration:

  • Elevates the vibration of your womb and Womb Chakra

By filtering out remains of emotional pain or physical trauma from your womb centre – whether from this lifetime, previous ones or inherited from ancestors – the light within your womb centre will gradually turn into the vibration of the colour of Gold.

  • Offers Second Level Womb Grounding

To be able to hold Golden Light in your centre of power, your womb needs to be well grounded. ‘Womb of Gold’ also helps to establish an empowering connection with the Well of Femininity within Mother Earth. This well is situated around 60 metres (197 feet) below the surface of the Earth and can only be reached via The Mother Star. That is why the initiating power of ‘Womb of Gold’ is called ‘Second Level Womb Grounding’.

  • Nurtures your Femininity

The Well of Light that you will be connected with, is called The Feminine Resource. Mother Earth holds this space specifically for feminine grounding. I perceive the Light of this source as soft pink. It feels like a Pink Well women can drink from to nurture their femininity. Perhaps that is why so many little girls are attracted to this colour and want to bathe in its vibration by wearing a pink dress, pink shoes, pink nail polish.

I also perceive a taste for this Light or Love from the Feminine Resource: sweet as honey. Maybe that that explains why we often refer to our loved ones as ‘honey’ or ‘sweetheart’?

Once connected with to the Feminine Resource, her Love can reach you via the pathway of The Mother Star. You might find that at times your feminine organs (not only your vagina, womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries, but also your breasts) feel bathed and nurtured by honeysweet pink Light. The more you surrender to this Well of Feminine Love, the more you will naturally embody effortless elegance.

  • Grants more Golden Light

Whilst your feminine organs are being nurtured with Love or Light from The Feminine Resource, the essence vibration ‘Womb of Gold’ can help you further develop your womb centre. This is where it is useful to take it more often than once – basically whenever you feel called to.

Over time, as, with the help of the ‘Womb of Gold’, the Light in your womb centre starts turning into the Golden vibration and your relationship with Mother Earth and The Divine Mother further develops, you will be able to hold more power in your core – physical as well as healing abilities. Golden Light in itself holds an immense amount of power. When you are ready to hold more energy in your womb and are able to apply this potential in a mindful and compassionate way, The Divine Mother will endow you with a Golden Ball of Light in your lower belly.

  • Ignites your Golden Womb of Creation

As you know, the uterus is where human life begins. It is a sacred Creation Chamber. The more you develop your Golden Womb, the more she blossoms into a Golden Womb of Creation. Through her, you can create and express anything you wish, as your strengthened bond with the Divine Mother grants you ever more direction, wisdom and infinite potential. Your creativity will flow in concordance with The Divine Mother. You will then freely create and express that which reflects your unique path on Earth.

From this point on, everything you create or bring into the world will intrinsically carry The Light of The Divine Mother. Your unique expressions will not only touch hearts, but also wombs and Womb Chakras, subtly reminding people of The Divine Mother’s existence, The Womb of Creation, this long forgotten and neglected aspect of Source. All people on Earth, whether they are aware of it or not, long to become whole and holy beings again. The only way to achieve this, is by reconnecting with the Divine Feminine, within and without.

Dear one, may the ‘Womb of Gold’ essence vibration be of great support to you on your journey towards wholeness and oneness.

It might evoke a Rebirth Process in which you are invited to express your purest essence, in the company of others. Allow it to happen.

Allow yourself to become complete, radiant and the physical manifestation of the sacred celebration of feminine life.

With my wombfelt love,


Video impression
Click here for a little video connecting you with the elements of water, wind, earth (beach sand) and fire (the blazing sun) as the southwestern wind ruffles up the surface of the Schildmeer, teasing the recorder’s microphone.

Intake Options & Instructions

Our high-vibrational essence vibrations are for oral or transmission intake, and should not be confused with essential oils. They have no scent and are not for diffusion.

The Mary Magdalene Light Essence App (downloadable for free) enables you to receive your Essence Vibration directly into your heart, wherever you are in the world.

  • More sustainable; no bottle or transport waste

  • Saves you postage fees

  • No waiting to receive your essence

  • No need to carry a bottle with you

  • You always have your essence vibration(s) at hand on your phone

There are three ways of taking your vibration:

  • 1

    By taking physical drops from an ordered dropper bottle, until the bottle is finished.

  • 2

    By receiving the vibration via our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App, three times a day for 28 days.

  • 3

    By receiving a transmission of the vibration via our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App in a small bottle with mineral water. You take a teaspoon of this water, three times a day for 28 days.

Intake Instructions per Option

Dropper Bottle Intake Instructions

If you purchased an essence vibration in a dropper bottle, the intake is as follows:

  • Three drops for an alcohol-based essence
  • Two drops for an alcohol-free essence
    (alcohol free drops are larger)

Add your drops to a little water three times a day:

  • in the morning,
  • halfway through your day,
  • and when you go to bed at night.

Do not take less or more drops than instructed.
Finish your bottle for optimal results.

Essence App Instructions

Our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App makes it easy to receive your Essence Vibration instantly into your heart and/or womb, anywhere in the world.

After you have obtained an essence vibration, you have a choice in how to take it using our App:

1. You can access the vibration three times a day for 28 days through our App.

2. Or, if you prefer, you can use the App to charge a small bottle of mineral water with the vibration to use daily for 28 days.

It is important that you choose one method, and stick to it.

Intake Method 1 with the App

Access the app for your essence vibration:

  • In the morning when you get up
  • In the evening when you go to bed
  • Somewhere around the middle of the day

Mark the end date in your diary so you know when the vibration expires.

Intake Method 2 with the App

Watch this quick video on how to take your essence vibration from your water bottle:

  • In the morning when you get up
  • In the evening when you go to bed
  • Somewhere around the middle of the day

Mark the end date in your diary so you know when the vibration expires.

Taking essences from a water bottle

Essence specifics

  • The intake is either oral or via a transmission with our App (free download).
  • Each vibration consists of either The Mary Magdalene Light or the Light of The Divine Mother and other healing frequencies. The bottled versions also contain water and ca. 30% alcohol for preservation – unless you opt for the alcohol-free version.
  • They do not contain any animal, plant or mineral derived ingredients.

  • Our essence vibrations do not counteract homeopathy, medicines or medical care as they work on a different frequency.

  • They are not intended as replacement for medical care and/or medication from a qualified health practitioner.

About our bottles
Our dropper bottles contain 10ml Light Essence. These high-vibrational essence vibrations are for intake only and should not be confused with essential oils. They have no scent and are not for diffusion.