‘Safe Grounds’ – Root Chakra Essence

Essence Vibration to Clear & Balance your Root Chakra

Your Root Chakra is related to grounding and feeling safe on Earth. It is located at the base of your spine.

  • The essence vibration Safe Grounds clears your Root Chakra of old energies that prevent you from feeling safe and positive. By doing so, it reconnects you to your lost innocence, enabling you to attain inner peace.
  • Assists with: self-love, self-confidence, self-empowerment.

For the essence reading, intake options and essence specifics please click an option below.


Essence Reading

Intake Options & Instructions

Essence Specifics

Essence Reading

Date: Received on a sunny day of about 20 degrees, July 30th, 2021.
Time: Around 12.25 in the afternoon.
Location: Mantingerzand, the Netherlands.
Keywords: Root Chakra cleanser; feeling safe on Earth; reconnecting with our innate innocence.

Mantingerzand is one of the last original drifting-sand areas of the Netherlands. The beauty of the endless horizon of aged juniper bushes, purple heath and pristine fens is striking. What also blows me away on my first walk here, is the immense variety of bird song filling the air; the shiny, dark blue bellies of the beautiful black scarab beetles on the paths, whose lives have come to a natural end; and the diligent activity of a myriad of tiny insects on the sand, in the bushes and on the bark of majestic oaks. Here, life still is as it is meant to be.

The message of the nightingale
As I approach the edge of this nature reserve, I recognise the song of the nightingale with its own symphony of trills, whistles and gurgles. And there it majestically sits, offering a splendid concert from the top of a tree. Little did I know that this tree stands behind a juniper bush of special quality. Maybe the nightingale was telling me about it in its mesmerizing song, but I was so busy discovering paths on this ancient ground, that I was not open to the message.

My mind was also preoccupied with trying to pin down the specific healing energy of the juniper bushes. Their needles are sharp, like those of pine trees, but the energy is not as uplifting as from the scent of the pine tree. These bushes seemed duller and earthier. I knew that their berries are an important ingredient of gin, but to discern the plants’ specific healing power seemed at first an impossibility to me.

An old juniper bush invites me in
Two weeks later, I feel once more the urge to visit this primordial land, in the province where my ancestors lived. The sensation of being surrounded by a fundamentally healthy ecosystem overwhelms me anew. This time, I try another path. Robins are hopping in front of me, again and again. Still, I am not aware that I am being guided. The path happens to lead to the same location at the very edge of the reserve where I had spotted the nightingale. There, I am suddenly called to halt. A tall juniper bush, about three metres high and around 100 years old, invites me in.

I am completely taken aback as this bush does not seem special at all. Yes, it is strong and healthy, but nothing out of the ordinary, one out of hundreds. I should know better. Nothing indeed is what it seems.

When nature was still whole
That day, I am struggling with an old wounding around feeling safe on Earth, and right there, in the embrace of this berry-less juniper bush, the old plant offers me, unexpectedly, a healing vibration called Safe Grounds. My whole system responds immediately. I feel my lower body relaxing, my adrenals soften, and a sense of inner peace rise up from my very core. I feel completely safe on Earth.

There, at that precise spot, I understand why the peace of this ancient land was calling to me. Here, one can experience what life used to offer when nature was still whole:

  • Stillness
  • Peacefulness
  • Mildness
  • Purity

The healing vibration of Safe Grounds offers all these qualities. It helps to purify the Root Chakra – which is related to grounding and feeling safe on Earth –, and by doing so it reconnects you to your lost innocence, enabling you to attain inner peace again.

The old bush reveals its secret
After receiving the healing vibration and its message, the sacred juniper bush lets me in on its secret. As I stand in the embrace of the prickly branches, the opening to two large, dark burrows suddenly reveal themselves in the ground. Who sleeps here? Badgers? Foxes? Who knows… The entrances make me smile, for they prove that whoever lives here feels secure under this specific bush, which makes it the most perfect source to offer the vibration of Safe Grounds.

As I walk back, I pass yellow sand covered with little ripe juniper berries. The bluest one calls me over and its taste reminds me of a great brand of gin that I was once introduced to at a Ghanaian celebration. Before drinking, Ghanaians tend to bless the Earth with it. The memory of this beautiful celebration fills me with positivity.

May the essence vibration of the juniper berry bush support you in letting go of the old energies that prevent you from feeling safe and positive.

With my heartfelt love,


Intake Options & Instructions

Our high-vibrational essence vibrations are for oral or transmission intake, and should not be confused with essential oils. They have no scent and are not for diffusion.

The Mary Magdalene Light Essence App (downloadable for free) enables you to receive your Essence Vibration directly into your heart, wherever you are in the world.

  • More sustainable; no bottle or transport waste

  • Saves you postage fees

  • No waiting to receive your essence

  • No need to carry a bottle with you

  • You always have your essence vibration(s) at hand on your phone

There are three ways of taking your vibration:

  • 1

    By taking physical drops from an ordered dropper bottle, until the bottle is finished.

  • 2

    By receiving the vibration via our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App, three times a day for 28 days.

  • 3

    By receiving a transmission of the vibration via our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App in a small bottle with mineral water. You take a teaspoon of this water, three times a day for 28 days.

Intake Instructions per Option

Dropper Bottle Intake Instructions

If you purchased an essence vibration in a dropper bottle, the intake is as follows:

  • Three drops for an alcohol-based essence
  • Two drops for an alcohol-free essence
    (alcohol free drops are larger)

Add your drops to a little water three times a day:

  • in the morning,
  • halfway through your day,
  • and when you go to bed at night.

Do not take less or more drops than instructed.
Finish your bottle for optimal results.

Essence App Instructions

Our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App makes it easy to receive your Essence Vibration instantly into your heart and/or womb, anywhere in the world.

After you have obtained an essence vibration, you have a choice in how to take it using our App:

1. You can access the vibration three times a day for 28 days through our App.

2. Or, if you prefer, you can use the App to charge a small bottle of mineral water with the vibration to use daily for 28 days.

It is important that you choose one method, and stick to it.

Intake Method 1 with the App

Access the app for your essence vibration:

  • In the morning when you get up
  • In the evening when you go to bed
  • Somewhere around the middle of the day

Mark the end date in your diary so you know when the vibration expires.

Intake Method 2 with the App

Watch this quick video on how to take your essence vibration from your water bottle:

  • In the morning when you get up
  • In the evening when you go to bed
  • Somewhere around the middle of the day

Mark the end date in your diary so you know when the vibration expires.

Taking essences from a water bottle

Essence specifics

  • The intake is either oral or via a transmission with our App (free download).
  • Each vibration consists of either The Mary Magdalene Light or the Light of The Divine Mother and other healing frequencies. The bottled versions also contain water and ca. 30% alcohol for preservation – unless you opt for the alcohol-free version.
  • They do not contain any animal, plant or mineral derived ingredients.

  • Our essence vibrations do not counteract homeopathy, medicines or medical care as they work on a different frequency.

  • They are not intended as replacement for medical care and/or medication from a qualified health practitioner.

About our bottles
Our dropper bottles contain 10ml Light Essence. These high-vibrational essence vibrations are for intake only and should not be confused with essential oils. They have no scent and are not for diffusion.