
Essence Vibration to fully radiate your magnificence

The more open your energy centres and channels are, the more love you can hold for yourself and radiate out into the world. Effortless Self-Love.

  • Clears and aligns chakras and subtle energy channels, and in doing so magnifies the love that you are.
  • Assists with: self-appreciation, self-respect, self-realisation.

For the essence reading, intake options and essence specifics please click an option below.


Essence Reading

Intake Options & Instructions

Essence Specifics

Essence Reading

Date: Received on 27 April 2018, a clammy and bitterly cold day.
Location: The Maria Magdalena Kyrka (Church) on the island of Södermalm in Stockholm, Sweden.
Time: Around 11.30am.
Key words: Clearing and aligning subtle energy channels and chakras. Magnifying the love that you are. Rebirth.

Whilst I am visiting friends in Stockholm (Sweden), I suddenly find myself wondering if Mary Magdalene is worshipped anywhere in this city. I google and find out that I am staying near the one and only Mary Magdalene Church in Stockholm! When I take a few bus stops to the building, I feel my energy changing. I am being grounded and centered, a sign that I am prepared for something to happen.

I decide to walk around the church before I enter, and notice that on both sides Mary Magdalene’s name is crowned. After a while I feel that the Sushumna nadi (energy channel) in my spinal cord is being activated, the base chakra gets firmly connected to the crown chakra. At the very back of the yellow building, my attention is drawn by a round window with a triangular shape behind it. The triangle is inside the church and I cannot really discern what it is. ‘That’s where you need to look at, when you are inside,’ I hear and know.

The church’s history dates back to the 1350s when King Magnus Eriksson with the permission of Pope Clement VI had a funeral chapel built on the location and dedicated it to Mary Magdalene. After the introduction of Protestantism in 1527, King Gustav Vasa had all churches, monasteries, and chapels on the ridges surrounding the city destroyed, including the chapel of Mary Magdalene. However, his son King John III started the construction of a new church on the location in 1588. His death in 1592 caused construction work to halt, and the building remained uncompleted until 1634.

When I enter the front door, I feel incredibly grateful for what is going to happen and tears start running down my cheeks, even though I don’t have a clue. I walk over the doormat with Mary’s name on it and the beautiful notes of the practising organist open the petals of my heart even more.

To my surprise, I don’t see any paintings or sculptures of Mary Magdalene, or a special corner to connect with her. However, the energy in this church is extraordinary. It is soft and feminine, but not pinkish as I am used to when I connect with Mary Magdalene. The energy is firm and soft at the same time, I have never felt this before and don’t know how to classify it. In any case, it is very different from what I usually feel in churches. Here the energy is alive and kicking, not lifeless and stale air at all.

The altar is situated at the end, and high above it I notice a triangle. It is a window with Hebrew letters on it – no idea what they mean. Suddenly, out of that triangular window, an immense amount of Light starts to flow towards me. It first opens my throat chakra, then the heart chakra and suddenly it fills up my whole system. I need to sit down to be able to take it all in. The Light flushes through me for at least five minutes. Tears still flow down my cheeks.

Then I feel that I have to do something. I buy 6 candles and place them in a nice, heart-shaped framework. I burn them for all my ancestors including the very first humans and the Source, and for people who are important in my life. Now that I have given, I will receive.

I return to ‘my’ seat in the front and again I receive an indescribable amount of Light. It enters my throat chakra and then activates my third eye and heart chakra strongly. My complete front channel is activated at a very deep level. I cry my eyes out, receive and receive and receive until I feel that what needed to be done is done.

On my way out I take some more pictures and discover the only portrait of Mary Magdalene in a medallion on the pulpit (1763). A good spot for her, here she carries the preacher and is seen by all listeners. The only other references to her are the rose in a central medallion under the immense organ and a chalice ornament on the wall.

I must leave now, the sacred energies are closing behind me. One more time I walk around the church. At the back, looking at the triangle, a tree connects with me. First it gives me several messages with its bark and then it concludes with telling me: ‘Look at your love. It’s different now. You have gone through a Rebirth.’

I send a Jewish friend a picture of the Hebrew letters in the triangle window. She explains: ‘It means Yehova. God’s name. God’s biblical name who religious Jews do not pronounce’.

Back in my Bed and Breakfast I am requested to pour the Light gift from my heart into an essence bottle, and I am told that this is the fourth vibration in a series. Number one is The Portal essence, received in Amsterdam on the name day of Mary Magdalene (2017) at the spot where there once was the entrance of a huge church dedicated to her. The second is called Self-Love and the third one Passion. These two were both planted in my heart in England, together with the Self-Love Attunement, eleven days after The Portal was given.

Now that this series is complete, I am asked to bring these essence vibrations into the world as the carriers of a seven months’ journey towards self-love, The Mary Magdalene Magical Months. The start date is given too, the 22nd of October of 2018. I am totally speechless, I cannot grasp the full meaning of it all, but my heart beams with joy and excitement and that is all that matters. I suddenly understand the immense gratitude that overtook me when I entered the Maria Magdalena Kyrka.

May the essence of Rebirth activate and realign your dormant chakras and meridians, and in doing so magnify the love that you are. The more open your energy centers and channels are, the more love you will radiate into the world.

May the essence of Rebirth crown the Magical Months with you embracing your magnificence. Effortless Self-Love.

With reverence and respect,
Harriët Kroon

Intake Options & Instructions

Our high-vibrational essence vibrations are for oral or transmission intake, and should not be confused with essential oils. They have no scent and are not for diffusion.

The Mary Magdalene Light Essence App (downloadable for free) enables you to receive your Essence Vibration directly into your heart, wherever you are in the world.

  • More sustainable; no bottle or transport waste

  • Saves you postage fees

  • No waiting to receive your essence

  • No need to carry a bottle with you

  • You always have your essence vibration(s) at hand on your phone

There are three ways of taking your vibration:

  • 1

    By taking physical drops from an ordered dropper bottle, until the bottle is finished.

  • 2

    By receiving the vibration via our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App, three times a day for 28 days.

  • 3

    By receiving a transmission of the vibration via our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App in a small bottle with mineral water. You take a teaspoon of this water, three times a day for 28 days.

Intake Instructions per Option

Dropper Bottle Intake Instructions

If you purchased an essence vibration in a dropper bottle, the intake is as follows:

  • Three drops for an alcohol-based essence
  • Two drops for an alcohol-free essence
    (alcohol free drops are larger)

Add your drops to a little water three times a day:

  • in the morning,
  • halfway through your day,
  • and when you go to bed at night.

Do not take less or more drops than instructed.
Finish your bottle for optimal results.

Essence App Instructions

Our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App makes it easy to receive your Essence Vibration instantly into your heart and/or womb, anywhere in the world.

After you have obtained an essence vibration, you have a choice in how to take it using our App:

1. You can access the vibration three times a day for 28 days through our App.

2. Or, if you prefer, you can use the App to charge a small bottle of mineral water with the vibration to use daily for 28 days.

It is important that you choose one method, and stick to it.

Intake Method 1 with the App

Access the app for your essence vibration:

  • In the morning when you get up
  • In the evening when you go to bed
  • Somewhere around the middle of the day

Mark the end date in your diary so you know when the vibration expires.

Intake Method 2 with the App

Watch this quick video on how to take your essence vibration from your water bottle:

  • In the morning when you get up
  • In the evening when you go to bed
  • Somewhere around the middle of the day

Mark the end date in your diary so you know when the vibration expires.

Taking essences from a water bottle

Essence specifics

  • The intake is either oral or via a transmission with our App (free download).
  • Each vibration consists of either The Mary Magdalene Light or the Light of The Divine Mother and other healing frequencies. The bottled versions also contain water and ca. 30% alcohol for preservation – unless you opt for the alcohol-free version.
  • They do not contain any animal, plant or mineral derived ingredients.

  • Our essence vibrations do not counteract homeopathy, medicines or medical care as they work on a different frequency.

  • They are not intended as replacement for medical care and/or medication from a qualified health practitioner.

About our bottles
Our dropper bottles contain 10ml Light Essence. These high-vibrational essence vibrations are for intake only and should not be confused with essential oils. They have no scent and are not for diffusion.