Left Heart Curve

Essence Vibration to clear and balance the left fallopian tube and ovary

The ‘Pelvic Heart Twin Essence Vibrations’ heal and synchronise where needed, the energetic aspects of our ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Many women’s ovaries are overused energetically or blocked in some way. This impacts pelvic health and vitality.

Our left ovary relates to being. Its energy inspires and feeds our creative centre.

  • This Left Heart Curve essence vibration focuses on the left ovary.
  • Taken with its ‘twin,’ the Right Heart Curve, together they clear, heal and synchronise both ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Assists with: self-acceptance, self-worth, self-empowerment, sovereignty.

For the essence reading, intake options and essence specifics please click an option below.


Essence Reading

Intake Options & Instructions

Essence Specifics

Essence Reading

Date: Received on December 8th 2018, a cloudy chilly day.
Time: Between 11.15 and 11.30 am.
Location: At the shore of the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias), Israel.
Key words: Healing and synchronisation of the ovaries* and the fallopian tubes*

* Do not worry if you are missing any of the feminine organs in the physical.
Their energetic blueprint is still present, and this is what we address and work with.

In the sacred month of December, I travel to Israel and visit the places where in the first century Mary Magdalene lived, loved and laughed. Getting up on Saturday morning, I feel like taking a boat tour on the Sea of Galilee, which the Israelis call Lake Tiberias. A group of Egyptian Christians who live in Australia are also boarding and though it is chilly and very cloudy, they are in the happiest of moods. Together we sail on the impressive, breath-taking lake. It’s an enjoyable trip, the water is calm and the Egyptian Australians sing, pray and fill the air with laughter. When we leave the boat, we are all issued a certificate stating we sailed where Jesus walked.

Paddling in Biblical Water
As I leave the pier, my eye is caught by a little muddy beach and I decide to paddle in the biblical water. As soon as my feet step into the cool freshwater lake, I undergo all kinds of unexpected emotions.

Touching this water affects me deeply. Strangely enough, it feels like the little waves are coming to touch me instead of the other way around. This water certainly has healing capacities, I am being purified and I feel blessed.

Once our connection is established, the holy water of Galilee offers me two essence vibrations. I am told that they are twins. They belong together and serve the energetic ovaries and their energetic connection to the Holy Mother inside of women, their Womb Chakra. The ‘Pelvic Heart Twin Essences’ are gifted to heal and synchronise the energetic aspects of the ovaries and the fallopian tubes, where needed.

Positive Effect on the Collective Consciousness
Many women carry pain and woundings in their reproductive organs. Unfortunately, physical trauma, emotional pain (shame, guilt, anger, grief, fear) and negative beliefs around sexuality and life force, are common to most women. Often, unhealed painful experiences in past lives and/or ancestral lines, cause us to re-experience traumas in this lifetime, until we are ready to step up and heal. Each individual healing process has a positive effect on the Collective Consciousness of humanity which should not be underestimated, as it is overloaded with feminine suffering.

Awakening The Magdalene Within
The Pelvic Heart Twin Essences are part of an initiation called Awakening The Magdalene Within. This initiation allows the recipient to grow to a whole new level of womanhood. The Magdalene is the template of the Mother Goddess dormant in every woman, waiting to be activated when that person is ready. Once ignited within you, this sacred and secret Divine Feminine Vessel for pure unconditional love will gradually start to serve the world with the ultimate unconditional love from The Mother of All That Is. This ever so nurturing Divine Love will silently bless all humans, animals and plants as you encounter them on your path. Your connection with The Mother of All That Is, will continue to grow stronger and steadier over time.

To ignite the Magdalene or the Mother Goddess within you, hidden and holy pathways within the feminine vessel need to be awakened. One of these is the sacred energy connection between the Holy Womb and the ovaries: the fallopian tubes.

In the physical realm, the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the womb together form the shape of a heart. This is why these essences are called the Pelvic Heart Twin Essences. However, they each have a separate name: ‘Left Heart Curve’ and ‘Right Heart Curve.’ Let me explain why.

About the Ovarian Energies
Patterns of ovarian energetic imbalance are almost universal among women. The ovaries are often overused or blocked in some way and this impacts pelvic health and vitality. Did you know that the left and right ovary each have their own specific energetic function?

  • The left ovary receives energy that inspires and feeds a woman’s creative centre. It relates to being.
  • The right ovary moves a woman’s creative energy outwards, enabling her to manifest her creative inspiration. It relates to doing.

To be both creative and sustainable, and to maintain the health of her body, a woman needs access to both aspects of her energy/ovaries.

The Sacred Intake Procedure
Your Pelvic Heart Twin Essences initiate a purification process in your fallopian tubes and ovaries, so that you can ground better in your reproductive organs, which is a prerequisite for Awakening The Magdalene Within.

The intake procedure of The Pelvic Heart essence vibrations is a sacred ritual that must be performed in a specific order.

Also, if you are currently taking any other essence vibration(s), take them before the Pelvic Heart Twin Essences ritual.

Option A – Using our dropper bottles

  1. Take the essence called ‘Left Heart Curve’ in your right hand and hold it against your left ovary. Make small, gentle movements over your clothes with the long side of this little bottle, so your ovary and fallopian tube become familiar with this essence vibration.
  2. Then take two drops of Left Heart Curve.
  3. Speak the following mantra to your left fallopian tube and ovary when taking these drops:

‘I am Love
I am Pure Love
I am the Creator of Love’

  1. Take a little time for your left ovary and fallopian tube to respond, integrate and digest.


  1. Take the essence called ‘Right Heart Curve’ in your other (left) hand and hold it against your right ovary. Make small, gentle movements over your clothes with the long side of this little bottle, so your ovary and fallopian tube become familiar with this essence vibration.
  2. Then take two drops of Right Heart Curve.
  3. Speak the following mantra to your right fallopian tube and ovary when taking these drops:

‘I am Love
I am Pure Love
I am the Creator of Love’

  1. Take a little time to receive the response of your right ovary and fallopian tube, integrate and digest.

Take your twin essences twice a day and include the sacred stroking procedure with each intake until your bottles are empty.

It is important to turn the intake procedure of The Pelvic Heart Twin Essences into a small sacred ritual and give your system time to respond to it ‘undisturbed’ by any other input.


  • The intake order is important as your receptive heart curve needs to be activated before your outward-oriented heart curve is.
  • Not only the order of intake is important, but also the small movements with the bottle over your sacred heart curve areas.
  • In this way also, they each feel seen and acknowledged; you will be able to receive their separate responses; and you’ll become familiar with communicating with each of them.

Option B – Using our Essence App

If you use our Essence App instead of our 10ml dropper bottles, the ritual is slightly different but no less powerful.

  1. Receive the essence vibration named ‘Left Heart Curve’ with our App
  2. Put your device aside and rub your palms together to activate and warm them
  3. Then place the right palm on the area of your left ovary and fallopian tube
  4. Speak the following mantra to your left fallopian tube and ovary:

‘I am Love
I am Pure Love
I am the Creator of Love’

  1. Take a little time to receive, integrate, and digest the response from your lower body.


  1. Receive the essence vibration named ‘Right Heart Curve’ with our App
  2. Put your device aside and rub your palms together to activate and warm them
  3. Then place the left palm on the area of your right ovary and fallopian tube
  4. Speak the following mantra to your right fallopian tube and ovary:

‘I am Love
I am Pure Love
I am the Creator of Love’

  1. Take a little time to receive, integrate, and digest the response from your lower body.


  • The intake order is important as your receptive heart curve needs to be activated before your outward-oriented heart curve is.
  • Not only the order of intake is important, but also your warm palms on the sacred pelvic areas.
  • In this way also, they each feel seen and acknowledged; you will be able to receive their separate responses; and you’ll become familiar with communicating with each of them.

So much for the intake procedure.

Walking on Water
These essences were gifted by the waters of the Sea of Galilee and each time you take them, you will be strongly connected to these waters. They will make you walk on water, in the footsteps of Jesus.

Many blessings,
Harriët Kroon

Intake Options & Instructions

Our high-vibrational essence vibrations are for oral or transmission intake, and should not be confused with essential oils. They have no scent and are not for diffusion.

The Mary Magdalene Light Essence App (downloadable for free) enables you to receive your Essence Vibration directly into your heart, wherever you are in the world.

  • More sustainable; no bottle or transport waste

  • Saves you postage fees

  • No waiting to receive your essence

  • No need to carry a bottle with you

  • You always have your essence vibration(s) at hand on your phone

There are three ways of taking your vibration:

  • 1

    By taking physical drops from an ordered dropper bottle, until the bottle is finished.

  • 2

    By receiving the vibration via our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App, three times a day for 28 days.

  • 3

    By receiving a transmission of the vibration via our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App in a small bottle with mineral water. You take a teaspoon of this water, three times a day for 28 days.

Intake Instructions per Option

Dropper Bottle Intake Instructions

If you purchased an essence vibration in a dropper bottle, the intake is as follows:

  • Three drops for an alcohol-based essence
  • Two drops for an alcohol-free essence
    (alcohol free drops are larger)

Add your drops to a little water three times a day:

  • in the morning,
  • halfway through your day,
  • and when you go to bed at night.

Do not take less or more drops than instructed.
Finish your bottle for optimal results.

Essence App Instructions

Our Mary Magdalene Light Essence App makes it easy to receive your Essence Vibration instantly into your heart and/or womb, anywhere in the world.

After you have obtained an essence vibration, you have a choice in how to take it using our App:

1. You can access the vibration three times a day for 28 days through our App.

2. Or, if you prefer, you can use the App to charge a small bottle of mineral water with the vibration to use daily for 28 days.

It is important that you choose one method, and stick to it.

Intake Method 1 with the App

Access the app for your essence vibration:

  • In the morning when you get up
  • In the evening when you go to bed
  • Somewhere around the middle of the day

Mark the end date in your diary so you know when the vibration expires.

Intake Method 2 with the App

Watch this quick video on how to take your essence vibration from your water bottle:

  • In the morning when you get up
  • In the evening when you go to bed
  • Somewhere around the middle of the day

Mark the end date in your diary so you know when the vibration expires.

Taking essences from a water bottle

Essence specifics

  • The intake is either oral or via a transmission with our App (free download).
  • Each vibration consists of either The Mary Magdalene Light or the Light of The Divine Mother and other healing frequencies. The bottled versions also contain water and ca. 30% alcohol for preservation – unless you opt for the alcohol-free version.
  • They do not contain any animal, plant or mineral derived ingredients.

  • Our essence vibrations do not counteract homeopathy, medicines or medical care as they work on a different frequency.

  • They are not intended as replacement for medical care and/or medication from a qualified health practitioner.

About our bottles
Our dropper bottles contain 10ml Light Essence. These high-vibrational essence vibrations are for intake only and should not be confused with essential oils. They have no scent and are not for diffusion.