The Magdalene Within You
Sacred initiation process.
Grow to the highest level of womanhood.
6 Month Online Program
Personal and profound
1:1 online journey with Harriët
Julie Kennedy (Fabulous after Fifty! podcast host) interviews Harriët Kroon, to answer your most asked questions.
If you feel the inner calling to grow a deeper connection with the Divine Feminine Forces within and without, this online yet personal journey with Harriët is for you! By awakening and developing the power of your Holy Womb Chakra – the chakra beyond all chakras – you will gain access to the primordial wisdom of The Mother of All That Is (aka The Divine Mother, The Womb of Creation).
Over the course of 6 months, Harriët will initiate or ignite The Magdalene Within you, which will allow you to grow to a whole new level of womanhood. It is an unprecedented, priceless initiation for your personal and spiritual evolution which will keep unfolding over time, establishing a profound and unshakable connection with the Divine Feminine Forces within and without.

The Magdalene Within is:

The Holy Womb Chakra is:
Awakening the Holy Womb Chakra is not an overnight ‘fix’; it is a gentle process that unfurls over time.
This is advanced spiritual work. The first step on the spiritual path is the journey from our controlling mind to our compassionate heart. Once our heart is open enough to hold compassion and love for both the Self and the Other, we can then take the next step: from the Heart to The Womb.
To ignite your Holy Womb Chakra and support the awakening of the Magdalene Within, you will receive eight essence vibrations (by post) and two unique Attunements (delivered by Harriët, online).
Four of these essence vibrations were received from sacred sites in Israel such as the 1st century synagogue in Magdala, the town where Mary Magdalene lived.
Awaken the three hidden, holy pathways
Over six months, three hidden holy pathways within your blueprint will gradually be awakened.
Your Holy Womb Chakra plays a crucial role and will receive special attention.
The three pathways are:

The sacred connection between your
Holy Womb Chakra and your
Heart Chakra

The sacred connection between your Holy Womb Chakra and your Ovaries:
the Fallopian Tubes

The sacred connection between
your Ovaries and your Breasts
* There is no need to undress as we will work within your Light Body.
* Do not worry should you no longer physically have any of these feminine organs. Their energetic blueprint (their perfect template) is still present and this is what we will address and work with.
Online yet personal & profound
How do these six months work?

What does this six months
Light Program consist of?
1st Month = Preparation
Your energy system will be prepared for the awakening of your Holy Womb Chakra and the three sacred pathways.
2nd Month = Filling your Holy Womb Chakra with Light
Your Holy Womb Chakra will be ignited with an Attunement (delivered by Harriët, online), and will enter a purification process, and be connected to your Heart Chakra.
3rd Month = Pelvic Heart Activation
The Sacred Connection between your Holy Womb Chakra and your ovaries will be awakened, balancing being and doing.
4th Month = Grounding your Holy Womb Chakra
Your Holy Womb Chakra will be purified at a deeper level and profoundly connected within the Earth Mother by a unique and grounding Attunement (online, with Harriët).
5th Month = Holy Chest Activation
The Sacred Connection between your ovaries and breasts will be ignited. As your bosom is nurtured by this higher frequency of being, it will enable your love and the eternal goodness of the Mother Goddess to flow freely into the world.
6th Month = Integration
Your journey will gently come to its natural completion.
‘An invaluable part of my Soul Journey’
‘This journey focused my energies towards the Divine Feminine in a way that I hadn’t gone deeply into before. My relationship with the Divine Feminine is much stronger than it was. Transformative really. The Divine Feminine is now everything to me. And I now talk about balancing my own Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
This is the era of the Divine Feminine coming into her own, and the Age of Aquarius, and all the rest of it. The journey of Igniting The Magdalene Within has come at a time where it is so needed. There is no better time to link into it. The journey was a step at a time, beautiful really. It was very comforting, brilliant, enlightening and at times blissful.
It is so powerful.Harriët, your total commitment to it all and being there for us, supportive and enlightening us every step of the way. It all felt really invaluable as part of my Soul Journey. Writing this, makes me feel quite emotional actually. It has been a great journey and I will miss it.
I can totally recommend the “Ignite The Magdalene Within You” to others. This Program is definitely not to be missed – if you want to really transform! There is no playing with this. Don’t miss it, it is right up there!’
‘An exhilarating reboot
that brought peace to my life’‘The journey of Igniting the Magdalene Within was an exhilarating internal reboot which brought me back to myself and made me feel more whole again.
I rediscovered my true Essence.The journey has broken down my resistance to Love, helped me to connect more deeply with my own body and the Divine Feminine within me.
I am more at one with my gentle feminine power and am so grateful for the balance and peace that this has brought to my life. Thank you so much, Harriët.’
‘I have gained a deeper
connection to my womb’‘I am blessed and feel honoured to have been given the opportunity to take part in this journey. I have gained clarity, insight, healing and feel a deeper connection to my heart and womb. I had a lot of issues around the womb which have been cleared.
The essences are amazing, especially the twin essences. I’ve never experienced anything like them, and I found that they work on all levels of being. Thank you Harriët for being with us and guiding us through the journey.’
What you will receive
This profound six-month Light Program is a true investment in yourself – a gift of the utmost Love!

1) Seven private
1-hour sessions
with Harriët
(€175 each)
Total Value €1.225

2) Two unique
(€250 each)
Total Value €500

3) Eight essences containing
The Mary Magdalene Light
(€29,98 each)
Total Value €239,84

4) A gorgeous exclusive scarf, transmitter of
The Mary Magdalene Light
Worth €49,95

5) A velvet journal to log
your experiences, insights
and transformations
Value €10

6) A complementary pouch
to keep your monthly
essence safe
Value €5,50
You will also receive free of charge:

In a nutshell, the total value of this Advanced Light Program amounts to over €2.100 euro.
What you receive however is of course priceless and of extraordinary value for the rest of your life.
I am delighted to offer you this
1:1 profound and personal Light Program for €1.975 euro.
Priceless, profound and personal

The Origin of this Journey lies in Israel
The ‘Awakening The Magdalene Within’ journey was originally designed as an exclusive five-day retreat for eight women only at the shore of the lake Galilee in Israel.
The idea was to visit sacred sites and walk in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene. However, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, we could not travel and Harriët decided to offer the retreat contents in an online program.
As a result, our journey went far beyond what we could have done in a five-day retreat in Israel and this is what you will receive too.