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The Womb Essence Vibrations

Strengthen your Centre of Power

In order to help us heal, develop and strengthen our feminine core, these Essence Vibrations focus on the womb (our Centre of Power) and the Holy Womb Chakra (our gateway to The Divine Mother). All genders have a Womb Chakra and can benefit from these essence vibrations.

This series is a subrange of the Divine Mother Essence Vibrations.

Dignity Essence


Awaken to your
Radiant Beauty

Effective for 5 weeks

€32.50 – €39.97

FISH Essence


Clear & Balance
Womb Chakra

Effective for 5 weeks

€32.50 – €39.97

Magdala Essence


Ground your
Holy Womb Chakra

Effective for 5 weeks

€32.50 – €39.97

The Essence of Saint Maxim Essence

The Essence of Saint Maxim

See the Essence of
your Core and
that of Others

Effective for 5 weeks

€32.50 – €39.97

Womb of Gold Essence

Womb of Gold

Womb Grounding

Effective for 5 weeks

€32.50 – €39.97

Book an Essence Consultation

Which essence vibration do I need the most right now?

No more hesitation, Harriët channels the most perfect essence for you.

Not sure which Essence Vibration to choose?

Harriët would be delighted to help you by channelling the perfect vibration for you, taking your current situation into account.

Choose your option for your personal channelling:

  • Harriët will channel and then email you as soon as possible the name of the best essence for you. Please let her know your full name, place and country so she can fully tune in. Fee: 10 euro.

  • You meet online with Harriët in a 20-minute call (preferably Zoom). Harriët will channel and inform you during the call. Harriët will contact you to set a date that suits you best. Fee: 20 euro.