Bespoke Introduction Package

Discover in an online session
what The Mary Magdalene Light can do for you.

1:1 Guidance from Harriët on which Self-love path suits you best.

  • Are you curious how you can most benefit from The Mary Magdalene Light?

  • Would you like to be guided by Harriët on which is the best way forward for you?

  • Would you like to get to know Harriët in person?

If the answer is YES, then our Bespoke Introduction Package is exactly what you need.

45 Precious minutes
dedicated to you

In 45 precious minutes dedicated to you, Harriët will tune into your system and ask your Higher Self which avenue to Self-love is the best for you right now:

  • The Chakra Pathway

  • The Mary Magdalene Pathway

  • The Womb Pathway

  • A tailor-made combination

You will bathe, during the entire 45 minutes, in the nourishing, comforting, soothing and mothering Mary Magdalene Light. A treat in itself!


Harriët would like to offer you two extra gifts so you can ‘taste’ the healing magic of ‘The Mary Magdalene Light’.

  • Harriët will dowse you with an essence vibration that contains The Mary Magdalene Light. You can take this either with our Essence App or with a dropper bottle. (Value: 29.98 – 32.50 euro).

  • You may pick a day to receive a healing and replenishing 24-hour Light Transmission with The Mary Magdalene Light. (Value: 24.95 euro).

Date & Online video

Once your Bespoke Introduction Package has been booked, Harriët will contact you to set a date at your convenience.

Harriët prefers to use Zoom-video but is open to other online options.

A deed of Self-Love in itself


‘Each session is like a precious gift. Truly life changing’

‘My consultations with Harriët have been truly life changing so far and my heart could not be more grateful to her. Each meeting is like a precious gift, where she holds up the clearest mirror, revealing what is happening in my energy system and what is obscuring the light. Her presence is very holding, accepting and loving and it is clear to see she really walks her talk.

Our work together so far, including a light program and several beautiful light essences, has taken me on the most unexpected, beautiful and alchemical journey. I am feeling so much better already in 5 months and I’m so excited to see where this journey goes. My heartfelt thanks to you, Harriët.’

Mairead, United Kingdom