Quick Guide for all Chakra Essence Vibrations

How does each essence vibration help you attain
more self-love and self-realisation?

Safe Grounds

1. Safe Grounds

For your Root Chakra (Base Chakra)

Your Root Chakra is related to grounding and feeling safe on Earth. It is located at the base of your spine.

  • The essence vibration Safe Grounds clears your Root Chakra of old energies that prevent you from feeling safe and positive. By doing so, it reconnects you to your lost innocence, enabling you to attain inner peace.

  • Assists with: self-love, self-confidence, self-empowerment.

2. Joy

For your Sacral Chakra

Your Sacral Chakra is your centre of pleasure. It is located in your lower belly.

  • The essence vibration Joy liberates your Sacral Chakra from old energies, remnants from the past that stand in the way of happiness and joy.

  • Assists with: self-love, self-acceptance, self-appreciation, self-empowerment.


3. Life-force

For your Solar Plexus Chakra

Your Solar Plexus Chakra is directly related to your sense of self (your uniqueness), your intention towards your physical health, and helps you manifest yourself on Earth.

  • The Life force essence vibration is a great help in cleansing your Solar Plexus Chakra. A perfect tool to help you break free from sabotaging habits, which in turn enhances your vitality and life force.

  • Assists with: self-love, self-care, self-worth, self-acceptance, self-realisation.

4. D43

For your Heart Chakra

Your Heart Chakra enables you to experience love and compassion. When healthy, this energy centre allows you to grow a loving, compassionate relationship with yourself and others. It is located next to your heart.

  • The essence vibration D43 purifies your Heart Chakra and heals ancestral DNA. It unchains your heart from the repressed love/ creativity/ potential of the past, both in your ancestors and in yourself.

  • Assists with: self-love, self-compassion, self-appreciation.


5. Individuation

For your Throat Chakra

Your Throat Chakra is your centre of communication. It holds the key to unlocking your authentic voice and the ability to speak your truth. It is located in your neck.

  • The essence vibration Individuation clears your Throat Chakra. By elevating the frequency of this chakra, it supports you on your path to self-realisation and of becoming whole.

  • Assists with: self-love, self-expression, self-realisation, sovereignty.

6. Self-Love

For your Brow Chakra (Third Eye)

Your Brow Chakra is the seat of the sixth sense. It is your centre of intuition, imagination, self-awareness and lucidity. It is located in your forehead.

  • The essence vibration Self-Love purifies your Brow Chakra, which is of great help to see and know the truth of who you are. It also supports in letting go of self-sabotage mechanisms, in order to empower you to live your full potential.

  • Assists with: self-love, self-acceptance, self-empowerment, sovereignty.

Eternal Wisdom

7. Eternal Wisdom

For your Crown Chakra

Your Crown Chakra is for stepping beyond duality, for connecting with the Divine and the Field of Oneness. It is located in the middle of the top of your head.

  • The essence vibration Eternal Wisdom is a Crown Chakra Cleanser. It also fine-tunes your alignment between Heaven and Earth and strengthens your Central Channel. This is of great help to connect with the higher dimensions and the Field of Oneness.

  • Assists with: self-love, self-empowerment, sovereignty.


For your Womb Chakra

Your Womb Chakra is a template on another vibrational level than your seven major chakras. This is why it is not featured on the usual chakra ladders. It is the chakra behind all chakras.

All genders have a Womb Chakra. It is your Holy Grail. It is the holiest place of power in your body. It is also your access point to The Divine Mother.

  • The unique and extraordinary essence vibration FISH was gifted by Jesus. It cleanses your Holy Womb Chakra of impurities, permitting it to fill and eventually overflow with unconditional, replenishing Love from The Divine Mother. In doing so, it helps you connect with your innate feminine qualities.

  • Assists with: self-love, self-respect, self-realisation, sovereignty.


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  • Harriët will channel and then email you as soon as possible the name of the best essence for you. Please let her know your full name, place and country so she can fully tune in. Fee: 10 euro.

  • You meet online with Harriët in a 20-minute call (preferably Zoom). Harriët will channel and inform you during the call. Harriët will contact you to set a date that suits you best. Fee: 20 euro.