Awaken Your Inner Mary Magdalene

Work with The Mary Magdalene Light

Heal Yourself and Develop more Self-love

The Mary Magdalene Light is wonderful to heal the wounded feminine. Her Golden Rays are gentle yet profoundly transformative, and have helped countless women overcome issues around self-esteem and self-love.

So many women are uncomfortable with being a woman and expressing their innate power. Simply because they don’t feel good enough. They feel blocked or even locked within themselves. Their innate joy, power and light seem out of reach.

Which woman are you?
A life-victim or an active seeker of healing in order to build a confident and conscious relationship with yourself?

Which woman are you?
One seeking your inner joy and light?
One searching for your innate power?

If yes, then we invite you to work with the uplifting, healing and empowering Mary Magdalene Light.

The Mary Magdalene Light in a nutshell

The Mary Magdalene Light is a Spiritual Light, an aspect of Source. This Light illuminated Mary Magdalene; the powerful woman who walked alongside Yeshua.

  • Mary Magdalene is the archetype of a woman in her power; fully owning her life path, her femininity, her womb.

Are you aware that we all have an innate Mary Magdalene?

The Mary Magdalene Light can show you the way to her.

If you are looking for more self-worth, self-love and full self-realisation, then we invite you to treat and empower yourself with the Golden Rays of The Mary Magdalene Light. This in itself is a beautiful act of self-love.

Develop more Self-Love
with The Mary Magdalene Light

Choose the best approach for you

There is something here for everyone!

Essence ranges

Essence Vibrations

Heal and Love Yourself

  • Each vibration offers five weeks of healing

  • Use a bottle or our easy, costless App

Light Transmissions

Light Transmissions

Healing Programs

  • Running from 24 hours to up to 6 months

  • Easy to receive, worldwide, in your own time

Hara Line Development


Discover and Develop your Hara Line

  • The secret to focus and positive intention

  • Receive healing or training

Gifts & Accessories

Gifts & Accessories

Carry The MM Light with you at all times

  • Sapphire pendants and earrings

  • Gorgeous exclusive scarf

Mary Magdalene Light Circles

The Mary Magdalene Light Circles

Bathing in the Light
with like-minded Souls

  • Attend a Light Circle

  • Become a Qualified Host

Can I help you?

Would you like some help in which approach would you suit you best?

Let us have a chat so we can explore together your needs and questions. I offer a 30 minute call for €30 euro. Obligation free.