Alignment with the Year of the Snake

Twin Light Healing Week
Remote 7-Day Light Transmission
In this Advanced Healing Week, from Wednesday 29th January to Wednesday 5th February the exquisite Lights that inspired Yeshua and Mary Magdalene will blend together to serve you.
In particular, this Twin Light Healing Week aligns us with:
– Introspective, spiritual and transformative energies of the Snake,
– The creation processes that are rebirthing in the Northern Hemisphere, as the energies of the sun progress after the December Solstice,
– And in the Southern Hemisphere, a final push of creativity, as summer rolls away towards a more restful and recuperative time.
- You can receive this transmission wherever you are in the world
- You will receive according to YOUR local time
- You don’t have to sit still or do anything special
- The masculine and feminine Twin Lights will be with you for the full 7 days.