Purify your
Holy Womb Chakra

Connect deeply with your
Feminine Qualities
and The Womb of Creation

Take a 4-week
remote Light Transmission

How connected are you to your feminine qualities?

How radiant is your Womb Chakra?

Each human being, whatever the gender, has a Womb Chakra.

Your Womb Chakra is totally different from your Sacral Chakra.

The holy Womb Chakra is dormant in most people. It is a template on another vibrational level than our seven mayor chakras. This is why you don’t see it drawn in the regular chakra ladders.

Your Womb Chakra is your manifestation centre, enabling you to manifest anything in your life and in the world. A soul with brilliant creativity, radiance and supernatural ability has a powerful, purified Womb Chakra. Those with an unhealthy Womb Chakra suffer from a lack of clarity in many areas of their life and are unable to implement sustained positive change.

The next step on the spiritual path

When we enter the spiritual path, our focus tends to lie on the heart. The awakening process of the Heart Chakra is the journey of becoming more compassionate for one-self, other and for nature. The next step on the spiritual path is developing the power of Love that resides in your Womb Chakra.

Your womb chakra is your Holy Grail

Even though your Womb Chakra is called a chakra, it is more than that. It is a sphere of a much higher vibration than the seven auric layers that go with your seven mayor chakras.

  • It is the Chakra behind all Chakras

  • It is the holiest place of power in your body

  • At the core of your holy Womb Chakra is a light, a flame, in the same way as you have a light/flame in the core of your Heart Chakra. This is your Golden Treasure, your Holy Grail.

  • Your holy Womb Chakra is your Access Point, your Portal to the Divine Mother, the Womb of Creation.

Healing yourself at the deepest level

The flame in the Womb Chakra tends to be covered by layers of ancient energies. Remnants from the past. The journey of purifying and developing your Womb Chakra is about shedding of these layers of ancient limitations, often hidden in the subconscious.

You remove the deepest blockages within yourself.
For example:

  • You clear negative energies from past intimate relationships

  • You clear karma

  • You heal a broken heart

  • You heal sexual harassment or abuse

  • You heal the cause of chronic illnesses

By removing your deepest blockages, you can manifest anything you want to create, such as a project, book, job, relationship and/or a new home.

A mystical, feminine adventure

The purification of the holy Womb Chakra is an individual mystical process. Your step into the realm of mystery, synchronicity, wonder and 5th Dimensional consciousness. It is a deeply feminine adventure.

If you want to start clearing your Womb Chakra, I recommend receiving a 1-month Light Transmission with a special focus on your Womb Chakra.

If you have worked on your Womb Chakra before, you will understand that purifying another level of your Womb Chakra is always beneficial.

You don’t need to do anything

How does it work?

Instead of doing exercises, you receive a 1-month Light Transmission. This transmission consists of ‘The Ray of Femininity’, which is one of the 22 Divine Feminine aspects of The Mary Magdalene Light. This particular Ray clears energies from your Womb Chakra, helping you to connect deeper with your Feminine Qualities, which are so important to your well-being, health and significance.

  • This Light Transmission will clear energies from your Womb Chakra in a more profound way than you could do yourself.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light will also invite your Womb Chakra to awaken, develop and/or evolve to another level.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light is a feminine Spiritual Light. It will help you connect more deeply with the abundant, replenishing Feminine Forces, within and around you.

Benefits of this
Womb Chakra Month:

  • Shedding ancient, limiting energies

  • More clarity on your life and purpose

  • A more fulfilling connection to your feminine qualities

  • A deeper connection with the Feminine Forces around you

  • Clearer access to the Wisdom of the Primordial Feminine

A fabulous extra bonus for you

Value €29.98

I would like to offer you, no costs involved, at no additional cost, a ‘transmission’ of the fabulous Mary Magdalene Light Essence called ‘FISH’. This exquisite vibration is for oral intake. It enriches and maximizes the effects of your Womb Chakra Month. Once you have registered, you will receive instructions on how to obtain this essence vibration.

The fee for your Womb Chakra Month

The fee for this Divine and unparalleled Womb Chakra Month is 169 euro. This includes the Essence Transmission worth 29.98 euro, the Essence Reading and a powerful Spiritual Teaching that accompanies The Ray of Femininity.

Once you have registered, ‘The Ray of Femininity’ will flow into your aura during 28 days.

What other people say

‘Compassion towards my mother’s life’

‘The month of healing the Holy Womb Chakra brought up a rollercoaster of huge waves of Compassion towards my Mother her life and reflections for my own life. Definitely not for the feint hearted.’

Eluna, United Kingdom

Concise Chakra Analysis

Discover which of your chakras need the most attention for you to gain more self-esteem, self-love and self-realisation.

1:1 Online session of 45 minutes with Harriët’s channelled guidance and advice:

  • 45 Minutes quality time just for you

  • 1:1 Channelled guidance

  • Concise audio recorded chakra analysis

  • Soak up the uplifting Mary Magdalene Light for 45 minutes

€87 euro