Energise, Improve & Develop your Root Chakra

Feel safer, more secure and grounded

Receive a 4-week
remote Light Transmission

How grounded do you feel?

Have you given any attention to your Root Chakra lately?

Your Root Chakra forms the base of your seven main chakras and aura and creates the foundation on which you build your life. It is your survival centre. Feelings of security, safety and groundedness arise from a healthy, strong and balanced Root Chakra.

Your bedrock

Your Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine, at your tail bone. It is associated with the colour red, looks like a vortex and sucks up earth energies as it grounds you to the Earth. Your Root Chakra creates the bedrock on which you build your life.

Emotional significance

Your Root or Base Chakra is the most instinctual of all chakras, it is your survival centre and is associated with feelings of security, safety and balance. When you feel safe and secure on Earth, this is a sign that your Root Chakra is healthy, strong and balanced.

Physical significance

The areas of your body governed by this first chakra are: the coccyx, spinal column, anus, large intestine, feet, legs, kidneys and adrenals.

If you are looking to improve your grounding and feel safer, more secure and balanced, I recommend receiving a 1-month Light Transmission with a special focus on your Root Chakra. 

You don’t need to do anything

How it works

Instead of doing exercises, you receive a 1-month Light Transmission. This transmission consists of ‘The Ray of Groundedness’, which is one of the 22 Divine Feminine aspects of The Mary Magdalene Light. This specific Ray will flow through your aura to energise, improve and develop your Root Chakra.

  • It helps you surrender more deeply to the loving energies of Mother Earth.

  • This Light Transmission will clear, unblock, energise, balance and support your Root Chakra in a more profound way than you could do yourself.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light will also invite your Root Chakra to develop and evolve to another level. Meaning, your Root Chakra will be activated and/or strengthened at the level of your extended Light Body.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light is a feminine Spiritual Light. It will help you connect more deeply with the abundant, replenishing Feminine Forces, within and around you.

Benefits of this
Root Chakra Month:

  • Enhanced grounding capacities

  • Feeling rejuvenated

  • A deeper sense of belonging

  • Feeling more safe and secure on Earth

  • More clarity, overview and focus in life

A fabulous extra bonus for you

Value €29.98

I would like to offer you, no costs involved, at no additional cost, a ‘transmission’ of the fabulous Mary Magdalene Light Essence called ‘Safe Grounds’. This exquisite vibration is for oral intake. It enriches and maximizes the effects of your Root Chakra Month. Once you have registered, you will receive instructions on how to obtain this essence vibration.

The fee for your Root Chakra Month

The fee for this Divine and unparalleled Root Chakra Month is 139 euro. This includes the Essence Transmission worth 29.98 euro, the Essence Reading and a powerful Spiritual Teaching that accompanies The Ray of Groundedness.

Once you have registered, ‘The Ray of Groundedness’ will flow into your aura during 28 days.


‘My level of confidence grew incredibly’

‘My level of confidence grew incredibly in the Root Chakra Month, and many essential adjustments took place in my lower spine, posture, coccyx and Dantien. These I then worked on in my Taichi/Qigong practice. I am truly thankful, happy and excited.’

Arvin, Guatemala

‘The fear of not being good enough to live has largely disappeared’

‘Halfway through the Root Chakra Month, I became aware of deep feelings that I was not good enough for my family and was disappointing my ancestors. I suddenly saw that that was why I had always had trouble connecting to the energies of the Earth. I just didn’t feel good enough to be nourished by it. This led to many tears, an emotional release that unblocked my Root Chakra. Immediately after, my entire system was filled and nourished by the love and power of all my ancestors. This continued to flow into me through my legs and Root Chakra for an entire day. This happened more often in the weeks after. Each time, I felt incredibly accepted and supported by my ancestors rather than judged. The fear of not being good enough to live left my system to a large extent.’

Frederica, The Netherlands

Concise Chakra Analysis

Discover which of your chakras need the most attention for you to gain more self-esteem, self-love and self-realisation.

1:1 Online session of 45 minutes with Harriët’s channelled guidance and advice:

  • 45 Minutes quality time just for you

  • 1:1 Channelled guidance

  • Concise audio recorded chakra analysis

  • Soak up the uplifting Mary Magdalene Light for 45 minutes

€87 euro